What should I know? Or wished I had known when my student was a freshman?

If you (or your student) is having problems in a course, GET HELP IMMEDIATELY. There is a tutoring center. Friends could tutor. Go to the professor or TA for help. DO NOT WAIT. The semester is over unbelievably fast - just a matter of weeks, which many kids just out of high school are not used to. It is NO shame to ask for help, and could make all the difference in the world!

^^^ This is very important information, which can get ignored untill it’s almost too late.

This is important information and many students and parents might not know this, the age of majority in the state of Alabama is 19 NOT 18.

^ that reminds me…

TIP: Bring sufficient OTC medications that you would normally buy for your student (that they cannot buy on their own).

TIP: Don’t make travel plans at end of semesters until you know your final exam schedules. Some professors do make changes to the official schedule: http://registrar.ua.edu/academics/final-exam-schedules/

Don’t forget to get an insurance policy that will cover electronics and personal items within the dorm, essentially a student’s renter’s policy.

Very Important, make sure that all roommates are in agreement to locking the front door of each dorm suite, which means that each roommate Must carry their suite key with them.

Students need to lock their individual room doors for safety/security. They will need to get used to this.

^ re post #25, it is wise to check your own insurance policy BEFORE you need to need it! Our homeowners policy covers our son’s belongings wherever they are (dorm, apartment, internship across the country). This is because he is a dependent student. Our car insurance policy is the same (he is covered OOS while at school and across the country on his internship). So, you may or may not need to get additional insurance for your student.

^ re #26 - yes, yes, yes, and more yeses. Kids may not be able to tell if anyone else is home if individual doors are shut (so someone could be sleeping/studying or they might not be home at all). If they are all in the habit (even if they are all there in the living room together) of locking the door from the start, it will never be inadvertently left unlocked.

Mandalorian rocks:

So true. We wear sunglasses year-round in the South.
Also, wear sunscreen, even when it’s cloudy.

If you don’t go, you’re sure to fail.
If you do go, at least you’ll learn SOMEthing.

You could depend on your homeowners insurance but if you have a higher deductible, or if you don’t want to impact your policy costs (in case of a claim), it might just be better to just get a separate student policy.

UA provides a free Motorist Assistance Program for students,faculty, and visitors. They will inflate tires, jump your battery or even give you a ride to the gas station if you’re empty. It’s worth putting the phone number in their contact list just in case. (205)348-0121 http://bamaparking.ua.edu/map/

Umbrellas have been mentioned but Don’t forget a waterproof backpack…when it rains, you really need to protect those textbooks and electronics.

Take out personal property insurance thru a company that offers this for college kids!!!
We had it last year and this year. Wish we had it freshman year when D’s MAC slid off her bed and broke and her new iphone “walked” off at the sorority house. It all would have been replaced with the $25 deductible. The yearly rate is cheap in comparison to what you could be out. Even covers spills for electronics! We went with CSI, www.collegestudentinsurance.com. The other company some use is NSSI You do NOT want these on your homeowners insurance. Besides, your homeowners policy probably has a $1000 deductible.

TIP: Save ALL of your educational expense receipts.

Get your student in the habit of putting all education-related expense receipts in a separate envelope/folder, because some of these probably will not get posted on your student’s UA account, and you might need these for tax and scholarship purposes. Some scholarships cover room/board, so those receipts should be kept, too, if student is living off-campus. (Dorm and meal plans are on the UA account, of course.)

TIP: AND take a screen print of your UA account/bill every semester.

I just went on to the UA billing system. We are evidently only allowed to look up and print prior bills for Spring 2015 and Summer 2015…so, good thing I had saved a screen print from last year. Yes, we get similar info on our 1098-T printout in the spring, but I like to have additional info that this form does not breakdown.

If your student is attending one of the early sessions such as Outdoor Action or Alabama Action, make sure that they have some cash, or a debit card for extra costs. Meal plan/Dining dollars can be used at campus locations for food but if the student goes off campus, they will need money for extras. Students like to go to the strip to try out new restaurants or get ice cream, or go bowling, or whatnot… Some places take dining dollars or Bama Cash but real money is always useful

^Also if they are in OA or AA, make sure they have some bottles of gatorade or a water bottle to bring along with them. It is hot out there is August!!!