What should my grades be If I go to a CC for the next two years....

<p>I am literally forced to go to a Community College, even though that was my clear last resort. I am/was willing to go to any university, but I can't, because of stupid reasons.</p>

<p>Currently, I don't have what it takes to go to Wisconsin-Madison I'm a senior in High School, and my grades are definitely not good enough to get accepted, it would almost be a joke if they let me in right now.</p>

<p>I just want to know what my grades should be at a CC IF I want to go to Madison after two years. Oh, and I am OUT of state too.....(I'm from Illinois) </p>

<p>I plan on majoring in either Psychology/Sociology. (I am leaning towards sociology because I have more of an interest there, at least at the moment, and I know that Madison is one of the best sociology schools and my sociology teacher went there) So In the Liberal Arts area, what should my minimum GPA be during my two years at a CC? If I want to attend Madison. </p>

<p>And does being out of state play heavily against me?</p>

<p>3.5 is generally the magic number.</p>

<p>Would being out of state play heavily against me? And is it true they also take a look at your High School transcripts, even after two years of being in a CC?</p>

<p>Do not do your CC work just to get grades to transfer. Do the work to get the knowledge base (and study skills) to be able to handle the work load at UW or whichever 4 year school you end up at. The courses you take also matter. There is a post on this site where a student mentions taking two below 100 level courses at a CC- remedial math and English, I believe, and was being denied a transfer due to a weak schedule. It is tough to realize how you blew it with your HS career, but lesson learned and you move on.</p>

<p>Even though you blew it in HS a transcript showing vastly improved grades senior year will show you have changed, along with mostly A’s in CC. Do your best work this year to prove you can do well, and to learn the most you can. The more you learn now the better knowledge base you will have for future classes, making them easier for you. You also will develop the study skills needed for any college work. Good luck.</p>

<p>Well I’m probably going to Fail this AP Science class…so I’m not off to a good start. and right now as a Senior, I’m only learning for the sake of my knowledge. Couldn’t careless about my grades, mainly because I’m going to a CC. But from what I’ve heard, Wisconsin-Madison takes a look at your transcript, regardless of being at a CC from two-years. am i correct?</p>

<p>Does being out of state play heavily against me?</p>

<p>Do any of you guys know why they care about your high school grades/act even if you’ve been at a CC for two years? I understand that must colleges care if you’ve been there for one year.</p>

<p>Why not contact UW, particularly the field you would like to study and ask them? This would help answer the question as definitively as possible. Also, just in case plans change, it’s always best to get the best grades & knowledge you can, to keep as many options as possible open.</p>

<p>FWIW, my D applied as a transfer from her CC to a competitive private university after her 1st semester at CC (she had some pretty poor grades in HS due to medical issues which caused lots of absences). She was accepted to enroll as a spring admit as a 2nd semester sophomore.</p>

<p>One thing to also keep in mind is that most OOS public schools offer very little (if any) FAid to OOS students, if money is an issue. Also keep in mind that it is very difficult to get a job with a bachelor’s in sociology & most people who want to work in the field need at least a master’s degree, which requires additional schooling.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know I need to get a masters degree in order to get a good job with Sociology degree. I plan on going to College for a total of 6 years total. I’d like to go to Wisconsin for at least 4 years, when I leave my CC… </p>

<p>and your thing didn’t help me at all, because it has absolutely nothing to do with my situation.</p>

<p>So am I less likely to be accepted because I’m Out of state or what? That is what I want to know, but none of you are telling me anything…</p>

<p>You are not “learning for the …knowledge” if you are failing a course. You do not yet have enough general knowledge in any field to be able to pick and choose which knowledge will benefit you in the future. The courses you are taking in HS are still building blocks for general knowledge. You do not pick and choose which parts of a course to bother to learn- that habit will not get you anywhere in life. You need to realize that in any course at any level in your major as well as the courses you take to meet college graduation requirements there will be material that doesn’t interest you but must be mastered to do well (or even pass) the course. Do not assume that at your level you know better than those who designed the course what is helpful knowledge for your future.</p>

<p>The path to UW involves studying material in a course regardless of whether or not you enjoy it. It is immaterial if you are in or OOS unless you approach the academics with a better attitude. The standards seem to be similar for in and OOS students accepted to UW. Your approach is not one correlated with success. Buckle down and learn the material presented even if you dislike it, or in your immaturity do not see the point of it, this will get you the A grades you may be capable of and that will get you into a college of your choice. All of the aptitude in the world is no substitute for doing the work. College is an education, not just a job skills attainment, the reason they have breadth as well as depth requirements.</p>

<p>Enough lecturing. Do your best this year to show you can handle the work. You need to be willing to do learn material you dislike- it will be there even in sociology classes.</p>

<p>OOS schooling is VERY expensive. That is a huge barrier to consider as well. Not many parents or schools are interested in funding someone who gets an F in HS and YES, Us can look at HS grades.</p>

<p>As the poster above said, you need to do as well as you can and learn as much as you can because it is amazing how much the things you learn in HS will come back in college. The better you learn it, the easier time you’ll have whatever path you end up following–in CC or any college or U.</p>

<p>so an F in an AP class will really haunt me IF I want to go to Wisconsin-Madison? Even If I go to a CC for two years??, I believe they stated the more CC credits or crap like that means the less they care about your HS record…</p>

<p>I already know what I want for a career, but as i stated i’m forced to go to a cc.</p>


<p>The minimum GPA to even be considered is a 3.0. Anything around 3.5 and you should be good to go.</p>

<p>UW does favor Wisconsin residents, so yes, being OOS will probably make it a bit harder to get in.</p>

<p>High school grades and ACT/SAT scores don’t matter. However, make sure you have fulfilled the basic requirements for admittance that are usually fulfilled in high school (such as two years of a foreign language). It doesn’t matter what grade you got in these classes, just that you passed them. </p>

<p>I didn’t care about my grades my senior year of high school either because I was going to UW-Oshkosh, which is easy to get into. However, I didn’t fail any classes. In the end, it probably won’t matter as you are going to CC in essence to “prove yourself”, i.e., show your true academic character. At the same time, failing a high school class is pretty bad; just study a little and get a C or something.</p>

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>Look at your posts. Note the words used and tone. Time to start on the new path of doing your best and showing the world what you can do. You can’t change your past, but you can show your current teachers that you care to learn what they are teaching. You have the ability to be in the AP course, you may have blown first semester grade wise, but it is not too late to shift gears and learn the material for second semester and the AP test. A high score on the AP exam will offset the low first semester HS grade. Add that to good CC grades next year plus increased maturity and a transfer can be possible.</p>

<p>A shift in second semester attitude will be noted by your teachers. It will take extra effort to learn the material you blew off this semester, but an upward shift in grades will look good on your record and set you up for success next fall. </p>

<p>Stop wasting time with so many posts here thinking about stuff you can’t change. Spend the time being the new, improved you and no one will care about your past. So you got a late start, but after proving yourself in CC you can still reach your goals of getting a 4 year degree. Start today.</p>

<p>I agree with Wis75. You can only benefit by making a big attitude adjustment NOW, to keep as many options for yourself open as possible. It is up to YOU to show that you are worth investing in–to whomever is going to help pay for your education and to whatever schools you will be attending, whether it is UW, CC or wherever.</p>

<p>The attitudes you are displaying in our posts will NOT attract the kind of attention you want from any school or potential funder or even any potential employer, for that matter. Time to take a step back & make some attitude & other adjustments.</p>