What SHOULD you be doing right now?

<p>i think the title says enough.</p>

<p>I have 4 late essays for English HL, due by this Friday for the semester, and one for Drama HL too. But my teacher's an awesome procrastinator and it's really easy to sneak stuff in months after the due date and he won't notice! :P But still... I'm feeling extremeley unmotivated and am procrastinating :D</p>

<p>Finishing an essay quickly, then sleeping.</p>

<p>Studying for my physics test. or even understanding the material on the test :/</p>

<p>I should be asleep. Other than that, I have Art History and Human Geography homework, but I never do the latter.</p>

<p>I really should be asleep. I usually only get about 4.5 hours a sleep every night during the week.
I wish that the battery would die on my computer so that I’d have no choice…</p>

<p>I dunno. Sleeping? Nah too early. Calculus, wait I might have finished this proble- oh look Law & Order is on- oh wait I’ve already seen it toda- maybe I should read that Act of Hamlet due - Nah hey look come here my doggie - I think I’ll rant inste- no I’ll talk to two people who are still onli- Let’s check out College Confidential!</p>

<p>your mother of course. </p>

<p>I am quite free since the semester just started. I have a free class so I do 80% of my work in there.</p>

<p>I should be procrastinating, but this is just too exciting.</p>

<p>honestly nothing :slight_smile: there is nothing I need to do</p>

<p>Changing into a suit for a mock trial dress rehearsal I have after my Academic Decathlon meeting (which I should be at in about thirty minutes). Alternatively, I could be studying for the loads of tests I have coming up or working on the research paper I didn’t start that is due in a week.</p>

<p>But whatever. :)</p>

<p>Reading Beowulf.
Doing TASS application.
Reading Biology.
Reading Chemistry.
PreCal HW. </p>

<p>NONE of which are getting done. But oh well. :]</p>

<p>Studying for subject tests and my exams and probably do my english homework. But then I never do my english assignments.</p>

<p>homework and studying</p>

<p>studying for chem test tomorrow.</p>

<p>Econ quiz
Calc quiz
Lit quiz
Lit essay
Chem voc
Chem quiz
Math hw</p>

<p>My math assignment (which in all honesty will only take about 15 minutes, but I love putting it off).
Estudiando para mi prueba espanol. ;]
Working on my Art Club project.
Chemistry equations.
Taking AP World notes (three chapters, all due next week). : o
Reading one of the classics.
Finishing my contest submission.
Studying for the AP Psych exam.</p>

<p>taking physics notes
ap chem problems
studying for calc quiz
writing apush essays
studying for apush test
reading part of walden for english</p>

<p>writing English paper</p>

<p>writing a research paper, rough draft is due tomorrow… and i only have 1 paragraph so far, out of 12((</p>

<p>writing bio lab</p>