WHAT THE HEck does "10 chara" mean???

<p>what does "10 chara" and "bump" when people use them in this forum.</p>

<p>Its driving me up a wall haha.</p>

<p>I feel so out of the loop...</p>

<p>cc doesnt allow u to post unless you have ten characters in your reply
bump means to put the thread back at the top so that ppl can see it</p>

<p>bump means that they’re posting to “bump” their topic back up to the top of the list. 10 chara, I think, means that the post doesn’t have 10 characters in it (the requirement to post) so they write 10 chara.</p>

<p>Bump is “Bring Up My Post”.</p>

<p>i never use “10 chara” but i do use “10 char”. Basically CC won’t let you make a post unless it is over 10 characters long. Oftentimes, a post will be simply yes or no or thanks. in that case, many people write 10 char or 10 chara at the end simply so their post will be processed and posted.</p>

<p>If you notice, on every board, the topics are listed chronologically by the last made post. sometimes, a thread will be overlooked and then dropped further behind everyone elses. so usually if someone wants their thread or any thread to get more views and recognition, they might reply with just bump. so that their thread is moved to the top of the page in front of others.</p>

<p>hope that helps</p>