What time do January scores come out?

<p>Okay, I know they come out on Thursday... are they generally out by 7 AM?</p>

<p>Word on the street is that 5 AM EST is the unofficial time.</p>

<p>Sweet! Thanks silverturtle… crap now I have to wake up at 5.</p>

<p>They say it’s 8, but silverturtle is right. They usually get uploaded at 5 am.</p>

<p>where can we find out our scores? If I don’t get it at 8am, can I call?</p>

<p>AHHHHHHHHH i know it’s too late to be scared. but still, scared to find out.</p>

<p>5+11=16=4.00 p.m. Thanks, I’ll check it out.</p>

<p>I used to always stay up until 1 am (I’m in PST) waiting for the scores, but would end up falling asleep and checking it before school. That’s a real inconvenient time for Pacific coast kids ;)</p>

<p>Gosh im so nervous</p>

<p>aww, very soooooooon</p>

<p>tick, tock, tick, tock, tick. tock…
one more day</p>

<p>Last December it was around 4:55 AM EST. Imagine staying up that late only to get a “Score not yet available”…</p>

<p>At least it turned out all right for me in the end. Good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Less than eleven hours to go!</p>

<p>Maybe they will post early, say after midnight. ever happen?</p>

<p>Is everyone going to post there scores somewhere once they get them? :o</p>

<p>^ <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/863493-january-2010-sat-results-thread.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/863493-january-2010-sat-results-thread.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>45 minutes to go?</p>