<p>celebrian25, that's interesting. You wouldn't happen to have a picture we could see, do you?</p>
<p>I crack my fingers ALL the time and I hate doing so..but it's a bad habit. Everyone is telling me it contributes to arthritis because when you pop your finger, the bones are rubbed against each other and a nitrogen bubble is popped. And I have a really bad lumb on my middle right finger from where I write so darn much. I've tried using the grips but they don't work because my writing time is incredibly decreased, and I have to take notes quickly so yeah, I can't use them. People are also telling me I should get it checked out too cuz it looks too big..it can't be that normal.</p>
<p>type your username
With you fingers
<p>buy larger rings...</p>
<p>go to my obese thread</p>
<p>You can't make your fingers longer, but you probably could make them thinner.</p>
<p>lol, this thread is from 2005
<p>do a handstand for five minutes, then stand upright and raise your arms above your head/wriggle your fingers vigorously. after that, drink a Boost for breakfast, then an Ensure for dessert-you'll have thinner (but not necessarily longer) fingers in no time :)</p>
<p>lol o.0;;</p>
<p>Oh Narcissa
<p>masturbate less</p>
<p>The normal 20 year old guy has 8% body fat?</p>
masturbate less
actually, i think doing it more helps.</p>
<p>the only thing i can think of is losing weight.
i think i lost around 10 lbs last summer and my fingers and wrists became quite a bit thinner.</p>