What topic should I write my essay on??

<p>What topic should I write my essay on??? Need somthing unique and that will help me stand out from other applicants. What are some great topics to write the essay about??</p>

<p>[Supplemental</a> Information](<a href=“http://www.oafa.pitt.edu/supplemental_info.html]Supplemental”>http://www.oafa.pitt.edu/supplemental_info.html)</p>

<p>Post why you like Pitt so much.</p>

<p>If you have a low GPA, explain the circumstance and how resilient you were.</p>

<p>Numbers matter more than the essay. Recommendation letters can help a lot.</p>



<p>No. Literally that is the one topic you should <em>NOT</em> write about. Think about the fact that you want to make your essay help you stand out. Choosing the MOST generic, overused topic (Why Pitt) is not going to help. Plus there is a good chance that anything you say in that paper the admissions committee has already heard before. </p>

<p>Pitthopeful, we can’t give you a topic since we don’t know you and are not you. You should pick a topic on which you are passionate and can write a good 2 page essay (maybe a club you loved or an experience you had traveling, for example). If you can relate it back to your college experience (or what you hope to do in college), that helps, but is not really necessary. The essay is to help the admissions committee get an idea of the kind of person you are.</p>

<p>What if I wrote my essay on my interest in weight lifting or fitness??? I am an avid lifter and am into bodybuilding.</p>



<p>Definitely. That’s sticks out more than a Why Pitt essay!</p>

<p>Should I write it on weight lifting or on how I my 10th grade spanish class gave me nickname and since nickname I have become less shy, and people been calling me by that more than my regular name. Which one should I write it on?</p>

<p>Whichever one shows more of your personality. The nickname one might since you are called by that rather than your actual name. It’s up to you.</p>

<p>Just something different and unique about yourself. </p>

<p>The essay section is optional on Pitts application so you don’t even have to write one but you should. If you think your grades and SATs and all are up to par then you probably don’t need a great essay. Just write about something you love. </p>

<p>I had a bit above average SATs, grades and a ton of ECs. So I just wrote three short paragraphs, each one about a different EC (football manager, stage crew, and interact club). It wasn’t even a legit essay, just more like three short essays. Btw, I got in for this fall 2013.</p>



<p>And if you are looking for scholarship money you will absolutely need to write an essay</p>

<p>I simply copy-and-pasted my Common App essay and copied over the prompt. They accepted me into everything I wanted, including a Full Tuition scholarship. As long as it is written well, it shouldn’t matter</p>