I’ve decided I’m going to major in musical composition in college because there is nothing greater to me than creating music and having it played in all sorts of settings. It’s just an awesome creative process. However, some schools that I’m applying to require portfolios (which is fine) but I’m not sure what to really put on there. The most common number for number of works is 3 so I’ve decided to include these three works in my portfolio. I know two of them are acceptable but I don’t know if the marimba solo would be a good diverse and unique piece to have or if it needs to be strictly classical.
Marimba Solo (about halfway done with it)
Piano Solo (also halfway)
String Quartet (Waltz)
Personally I think having the marimba solo would be great because percussion is my primary instrument and it shows I can write for different instruments. If I had to get rid of the marimba solo, I’d write something with strings in it or a duet with piano and a different instrument that hasn’t been used yet. Anyway, thanks so much for reading this. College is definitely stressing me out but we all get through it.