What University should my son go to?

My son wants to study mechanical engineering and he was accepted both in Iowa State University and in University of Dayton. After the financial aid, both Universities are in our budget. We are from Puerto Rico and his main language is spanish, although his english is really Good. So, my question is ¿Which university should my son attend to and why? Thanks

Iowa state. Great reputation nationally for engineering.

My son is pre/med and he has chosen university of dayton. They have a great engineering program

Has he been able to visit either of them?

@Gloria71 Both schools are comparable. Iowa State - public, large, in the midwest (real midwest); U of Dayton - It is in OH a private, small school. It is closer to the East coast.

The typically private school provide more attention to students from support staff as they are less student to take care of. Looking at the endowment UD has more money per student so they may be more scholarships after you join.

ISU being a large school you will get a real university exp - games etc

If money is neutral then go to private school.

I. Talk to kids from Iowa State from engineering all the time. Great school and they get jobs right away. This is not even an option in my opinion. School has crazy school spirit also. Also one of the largest engineering fairs