What was the scoop on the po boxes

<p>daughter got her po box last year on the 10th maybe … so will they cancel her pobox?</p>

<p>going to have her call tomorrow (just realized when she got it today).</p>

<p>i know po boxes have been discussed her, but i can’t remember what the verdict was.</p>

<p>We could never get an answer at the number posted on CC. Son ended up just paying the extra on-line as if it were a penalty, although like you, he didn’t get the box until late August…</p>

<p>The disadvantage to doing it this way is that you don’t know what box number you get…you can’t request the same as last year.</p>

<p>Let me know if you found a better way, although its a done deal for ‘us’ this year. :)</p>

<p>SO frustrated! I stayed in town an extra day so I could open D’s PO box…they won’t let you. Have to have their DL and student ID. She is tied up with AA all this week (scheduled from 7:30AM -7:30 PM daily) so I can’t send her mail yet, and I wasted a whole day. :(</p>

<p>That happened to us last year. We moved in our son on a Sun. before AA and stayed Mon. to get things done, like open a p.o. box and a credit union acct. It was my first trip to Bama. </p>

<p>We made two trips to the post office: the first time to open a p.o. box for son, only to be told we were missing required documents, so we texted him to meet us at the post office during the AA afternoon break so he could open a p.o. box and sign papers at the credit union.</p>

<p>can you call them to renew?</p>

<p>our year has expired. will they have canceled it?</p>

<p>Here’s the original thread Mike: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1186124-post-office.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1186124-post-office.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I can tell you that our move-ins at Bama were a million times smoother than what’s happened to us at son’s grad school in another state. </p>

<p>We left home last Thursday. We were supposed to come back home Monday, but we now know that we’ll likely be here til Wed/Thurs.</p>

<p>This trip is costing a fortune.</p>

<p>Son is in one of the school’s grad apts. Previous tenant was supposed to move out last week, but “decided” to extend his stay til the end of August. Oh, and the housing office “offered” (ha ha) to have son temporarily move into a more expensive apt (and pay the higher RATE!!!) for a month, and then he could move to the less expensive one later. Ugh! </p>

<p>We sent them a polite, but very firm letter that they either had to get that tenant out immediately or give my son the more expensive apt at the lower rate. (Son has a contract for a 2BR/2BA for 730/month.) They decided to tell the tenant that he must vacate on Sunday, which he did, but it still delayed move in til Monday!</p>

<p>Son showed up to dept office yesterday and was handed all these forms. We previously had Alabama send his medical records to his new school, but this school also wants another Tb test and a physical. So, yesterday we had to find a doctor to do these things…they don’t do them at the school…even thought the school has a MED SCHOOL and research hospital!!! Crazy!!!</p>

<p>We forgot to bring his Social Security card (ugh), so younger son (who had come with us), flew home yesterday to get it and he’s Fed EXing it to us today. Ugh. (This was our fault, can’t blame the univ, but the dept should have had this item listed on its “To Do” list that it had provided.)</p>

<p>Did I tell you that this trip is costing a fortune.</p>

<p>Son had to take 3 “classes/tests” yesterday…on things like “sexual harassment” and other stuff.</p>

<p>Oh, and we just learned that even though this is a grad apt (and expensive!!), they get an utility bill. Never seen that with a university-owned apt. Ugh. </p>

<p>We may be living on peanut butter sandwiches for a month after this trip.</p>

<p>Oh M2CK!! I am so sorry!! How frustrating! It’s the little things adding up that make it so hard, and expensive!! We are so spoiled with this board, we forget what it is like to be the first, to go into uncharted territory!! I wouldn’t have even known we should open a PO box if it wasn’t for this board!! SO a big sympathy hug, and a bigger thank you for breaking it in for us!!:slight_smile: Good Luck!! Safe travels, and here’s hoping for NO MORE SNAFUS!</p>


<p>I can tell you this…the friendliness and helpfulness at Bama is nearly unheard of on the other campuses we’ve been to. With sons’ research opps at other unvs and this grad school move in situation, it makes us realize even more how “together” Bama is about so many things. </p>

<p>Bama would never have told anyone that they were being moved to a more expensive apt at the student’s expense!!!..Bama would have eaten the extra expense if it was their decision to move the student. And, Bama certainly wouldn’t have expected the student to move again a month later! I really “politely” reamed them for that in the letter…using correct legalese. Son officially sent the letter, but we (the parents) provided the strong and legal wordings. Honestly, this other school was obviously trying to take advantage of of kid who wouldn’t know any better or know that his contract demanded that they provide a 2BR/2BA for $730/month…PERIOD! And, they’d better cough one up pronto!!!</p>

<p>Son met his new apt-mate yesterday. A very nice young man from Cornell who will be getting his PhD in Physics. Very friendly and helpful. </p>

<p>We’ll be looking for some living room furniture today. The apt is supposed to be furnished (and should be at that price!! $1460 for the 2 kids!), but only is furnished in the bedrooms. So, off to find a couch and dinette set. Ugh!</p>

<p>Did I tell you that this trip is costing a fortune? </p>


<p>we have ikea here. that may be an easy way to do the dinette. or craigslist, but that my not work if you are trying to get it done in a big hurry.</p>

<p>M2CK, I hope there are some well stocked Goodwill/ Salvation Army’s around you. And that your search is quick. Sorry you re having so much trouble.</p>

<p>We were just in Ikea in Atlanta last week & I was thinking to myself that they had the most functional, inexpensive & space saving dinette sets that I’d ever seen. And their couches are pretty comfy. We have 3 of the Poang chair; they hold up well & get used a lot. </p>

<p>Can’t remember where your son is for grad school though…might be worth a ride if there’s one within an hours ride.</p>

<p>The nice thing about Ikea is that most of the furniture you can break down to smaller easily moveable sizes. That always helps for apt living.</p>

<p>use overstock . c o m, good quality inexpensive stuff and they will deliver it quickly for $2.95. Furnished our whole beach house with them.</p>

<p>ikea is about 20 minutes from rice.</p>

<p>Sorry you are having such troubles M2CK and son.</p>

<p>Well, bless their little hearts! Obviously, they don’t know who you are, M2CK!</p>