what will Obama do to help college students?


<p>Shortly after the horrors of the holocaust became known to the world many in the west vowed never to let a similar situation occur again. If Iran gets nuclear weapons, there is a very real chance that we could witness another holocaust. That is why it is necessary to stand behind Israel. "Never again.."</p>

And saying that Obama wanting to attack Pakistan is wrong is ridiculously hypocritical if you support the Iraq war. Then again, Pakistan actually contains terrorists, so maybe the situation is a little different from Iraq.


<p>Actually, OBL himself stated a few years ago that Iraq had become the central front in the war on terror (or as he sees it the war against the west). And no one is saying that we shouldn't follow terrorists into Afghanistan. Look at the news, we have been doing just that with predator drones. All McCain is saying is that we have to keep it under the radar-Pakistan knows what we are doing, but can't acknowledge it publicly because there will be a large outcry. Telling Pakistan publicly that we are going to invade them will not go over well with anyone.</p>

It was a ridiculous misuse of the military on the Republicans' part to go on this side trip to Iraq, which was what allowed Bin Laden to escape to Pakistan. If Bush had actually done his job, we wouldn't even have to invade Pakistan.


<p>There is no way in hell we are going to invade Pakistan. No candidate is proposing that.</p>

<p>Actually Obama is for it <a href="http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0132206420070801%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0132206420070801&lt;/a> Pakistan that is.</p>

<p>I know McCain was "joking" about bombing Iran. I think any reasonable person can agree that a President joking about bombing another country* is not at all behaving in a responsible or intelligent manner.</p>

<p>**another country with which we have terrible relations currently, a country in an extremely unstable region in which we have significant interests, and a country which would be able to strike back at us or our allies.</p>

<p>By the way, for those of you with no sense of nuance. Potentially striking an Al Qaeda target inside Pakistan - and by a border that is by no means controlled well by the government or solidy undisputed - is not the same as attacking Pakistan. If you'd like to critique policy, please attend to the candidates' actual words and not whatever you want to pretend they said.</p>