What would you recommend for me?

<p>Currently, I'm paying out of my savings for food and dorm. Keep in mind, dorms here are a lot cheaper than apartments...and my savings are currently down below $1000 lol. Also, dorms and on campus food are included in financial aid, while apartments and food off campus (which I would have next year) are not.</p>

<p>Those expenses would have to be loans, though I may be able to get about 2k a year from parents (but that's being optimistic).</p>

<p>10.5k should be the highest I would pay for loans at current university. Optimistically, my dad would cover some car costs since he has contributed to the wearing down of the vehicle.</p>

<p>At WashU you'll need to borrow maybe 17k, some subsidized.</p>

<p>You are sure that you will be able to obtain the necessary loans for both places?</p>

<p>The difference between the two seems to be three years at maybe 6k - 8k per year. Under what circumstances, if any, could the difference be substantially higher than that? Are you working at CurrentU?</p>

<p>How does that amount of money look to you in comparison with your strong personal and professional preference for WashU?</p>

<p>What if you don't like the dorms at WashU either?</p>

<p>I admit that I do not know much about obtaining loans; however, WashU states that they have a loan program that covers room and board. I have a feeling that WashU's loans maybe lower interest since they would be through the school and for official educational expenses, while at my current university it would be through third-party means; I may be wrong though.</p>

<p>I currently have a work-study job at my current university, and am using the funds to supplement food and miscellaneous money.</p>

<p>As far as preferences are concerned, the only reason I'm at my current university this year is because my parents forced me to go, literally.</p>

<p>My need for an apartment at my current university doesn't have to do with my dislike for the dorms here(though I do not like them)...we have a lottery for on campus dorms, and I was not selected for it. And suffice it to say that it's pretty safe to assume the dorms at WashU will be nicer...my university is on the ranking for "Dorms like dungeons" haha.</p>

<p>Well, it is to your credit that you've gotten excellent grades and were admitted to WashU even though CurrentU isn't your favorite place. Good job! </p>

<p>Your parents are ok with your transfer?</p>

<p>Maybe explore with WashU how the loan program would work. Others here may know about that as well.</p>

<p>Is anything holding you back or making you hesitate? What brings you here to ask for opinions?</p>

<p>Parents leave everything up to me. What made me hesitate was that I was expecting almost a full-ride.</p>

<p>What brings me here to ask for opinions? The uncertainty...I've never gone to school at WashU; I'm looking for opinions of people who have already taken on loans and were able to overcome them; the basic psychological need of social support =)</p>

<p>Is not going something you wiill regret for the rest of your life. If so, bite the bullet and go, if you are not sure, think about the costs long and hard.</p>

<p>Is it possible for you to contact a financial aid officer at WUSTL and talk over your options with them? Perhaps if you detail your circumstances - letting them know clearly that the $$$ aspect is the only thing between you and a resound YES to their admission offer - they might be able to come up with some additional funding.</p>

<p>I'm going to call them tomorrow afternoon to speak about my situation. I feel that I would be getting a better education and that I would be much happier overall there, no matter my loans.</p>

<p>I would still like to fight to lower them, though. =P
Thanks for all of your input!</p>

<p>In the end, only you can judge if the loans seem worth it to you.</p>

<p>However: I am pleased to offer you support in your decision-making process. You seem to be thinking clearly about the situation; you have imo good, defensible reasons to transfer; you seem to be a responsible and careful person.</p>

<p>Therefore, I think that you can trust yourself. I'm confident that you'll make the best decision for you! :)</p>

<p>I'd go, if worst comes to worst you could always transfer back.</p>