What would you say are the best christian colleges?

Hard to argue against

1 Notre Dame

2 Georgetown

Locally, Santa Clara University would up near the top in my book.

Never heard of BYU or the CJCLDS being claimed to be a branch of Orthodox Christianity. In the US, Orthodox Christians (0.5% of the US population) are only about a third as numerous as the CJCLDS (1.6%), according to https://www.pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/ , and there are about a dozen Orthodox Christian colleges in the US.

Includes online students.

Liberty’s graduation rate is affected by its very large and diverse population that includes online students. I think you get more non-traditional students who don’t graduate in a traditional time frame.

Also, Georgetown is considered a Christian college??

Georgetown, Notre Dame, Holy Cross, BC are considered “the” elite Catholic universities in the US.
So unless you don’t consider Catholics to be Christian then yes they’re all considered Christian colleges.
If “Christian college” is a shorthand for “Evangelical/Protestant Christian colleges”, then, no.

My understanding of “Christian” college is those institutions that follow the evangelical Christian tenets of faith. In that case, I would say the best Christian colleges are Wheaton, Biola, Westmont, Point Loma, Taylor, etc.

@bloomfield88 is right. With a modest correction.

Most difficult and selective on the way in Georgetown ND and Boston College is third. Kind of the “holy trinity” of Catholic schools.

Once you get there. In terms of facilities, location and social vibrancy. It changes imho.

Boston College Notre Dame and Georgetown. In that order. Imho.

Villanova where son goes is excellent.

You might consider this source, which lists colleges by their Princeton Review academic rating:


Liberty is a great christian school. My sister’s friends and my friends all loved it there. The state is also nice too but I can’t remember what state the school is in though