What ya think?

<p>As far as my understanding goes, UNC seems like a long shot, but I'd like you're input.</p>

<p>GPA 3.6
Verbal 690
Math 660
Writing 720</p>


<p>Varsity Football, Varsity Track and Field, Spanish Club (representative), Spanish Honor Society, Literary Magazine (editor), Writing Club, Book club, Large amount of Community Service 100 hours by graduation, Honor Council, Take every AP English, Spanish and History courses open to me, on advanced/honors track for math and sciences. Also found out a couple of weeks ago that I'm getting a poem published in an anthology, planning on submitting more of my things. Very competitive high school, has had many people get accepted here.</p>

<p>So what do you think? Thanks</p>

<p>instate or out of state?</p>

<p>looks like he's out of state with that "georgia" in his name. if so, it may be tough. i've seen some of our best students OOS get rejected. it's becoming very hard to get in if you arent in NC.</p>

<p>Correct, Georgia.</p>

<p>ohhh haha yeah i missed that, sorry. well i dunno, it'll be tough...the test scores are a bit low, but the ECs are good.</p>