<p>At first my logics told me that being a trancfer student is better: it mean you entered some university and after this you desided to change it, so: you know that the college you age transferred in is better for you; and you also show them you are able to study in a univercity as a good student. I thought it all depends on what university you were studying before....
That was before I visited sites of MIT and Caltech. Judging by them i think that being a transfer student is harder, bacause a chance of being accepted seems to be lower then if you apply as a freshman, and you also have problems with getting financial aid (that's abot Caltech).
So now I dont know which opinion is right. Tell me people, which way is better for international student? In the university i am going to enter the course is much larger and stronger. Can this play a big role in their decision?</p>
<p>Being a oos transfer is particularly competitive because there are so few slots available!</p>
<p>First you have to define 'better'. Are you talking about transfer-freindly schools (institutions that have special programs for transfer students or do something that makes helps transfer students (there was a thread about this)), schools that are easy to transfer into (which MIT would NOT be a part of whereas perhaps UPenn (?) or UMich would be, or places that give a lot of aid to students. Also, what do you mean by the course being 'much larger'? There are more people in it? And if it is stronger, why would you want to go to other schools?</p>
<p>Well, I am talking about serious technical universities like Caltech, MIT, IIT, etc. My mistake, I should have mentioned that in a post. And if we talk about transfer-friendly schools, are they transer-friendly to all of the applicants or only for U.S.citizens?
Quote: And if it is stronger, why would you want to go to other schools?
I live in Moscow, Russia. The university that I am going to enter is one of the best in country, but it gets old! No young scientists in it, a lot of people that are not interested in what they do. I want to be a scientist, and USA's the best country for such a work. Thats why.</p>
<p>Moscow State University. Looks like a skyscraper, I would go there.</p>
<p>You should also consider Stanford University and Cornell University as well. They have some of the best engineering programs in the world.</p>
<p>Tpeck, you haven't seen those dorms:D
You might not have a choice. Are you a freshman at the moment? The you do. You can either transfer or apply as a first-year student. If at the moment you're a sophomore you HAVE to transfer. That's the rule.</p>