What's great about frats?

<p>can u join a fraternity even if ur off-campus?</p>



<p>What fraternity at Brown? Don't say AEPi. . .I went to a few of their parties last semester and they were lame as hell.</p>

<p>can someone please bump my question!!!!!</p>

<p>What's so great? The drunken homosexual experiences with otherwise straight guys you're not entirely sure happened or not ;).</p>

<p>/tongue-in-cheek trolling</p>

<p>theripcurl, it depends on the rules where you go to school - at my college you join frats freshman year (with few exceptions) when everyone is required to live on campus and live at the frat house sophomore year</p>

<p>^so freshmen can be part of a frat without living on campus and then sophmores you HAVE to live in the frat house?</p>

<p>No actually, at my college you're required to live on campus frosh and soph year so guys usually live in the dorms freshman year and then move to the frat house soph year</p>

<p>darn! oh well. the only reason i wanted to join a frat was so i could go to all those parties.</p>

<p>you could go to frat parties without being a brother - its a pretty dumb reason to join a frat in my opinion</p>

<p>If you are male, you can't really go to frat parties without being a brother (or really good friends with the brothers) at some schools, except during rush.</p>

<p>^ This is true. And for some of the really exclusive parties (like ones where we bring in frats/sororities from another state/location) we sometimes limit invitations so that each brother can only bring 1 or 2 friends.
Hey kirst, visit xoxo sometime.</p>

<p>The way it works here: mixers are closed for about two hours and then open up to the general public, everything else is open</p>