What's GW's social life like?

What are some of the popular clubs or organizations? Is it easy to get involved and make friends as a freshman?

Well, there are A LOT of student orgs, and I’m not sure that any really stand out more than others, except maybe the Student Association. That’s only because all the campaigning you have to wade through every year.

As far as the ease of getting involved, it’s VERY easy. Every semester there is a fair for student orgs, for starters. There is also a helpful site with all the orgs, how to join, etc. https://studentengagement.gwu.edu/student-organizations

Making friends is generally quite easy. Extremely introverted students might find it difficult, because the most important thing to do to make friends is speak-up and be open, socially. A lot of students start making connections soon after getting accepted. There’s always a Facebook group for each individual class, and people start connecting there in search of others with similar interests. There’s also Colonial Inauguration, GW’s freshman orientation, that’s a place to meet others. However, even if you make it through the summer without making any friends, that first week or two of school is VERY easy to make friends. If you think about it: all the other freshman are new to GW, and probably D.C. When everyone is in a similar situation like that, it’s very easy to bond with one another. People go out on a limb more often by striking-up conversations with strangers. Dorms are probably the easiest place for this as you know that everyone in there is a freshman and probably looking to make friends.