<p>Hey all,</p>
<p>I'm heading off to college this fall if all goes according to plan, and I want some advice.</p>
<p>I really love technology. Computers, cell phones, iPods, you name it. I also have recently gotten into electrical stuff such as installing lights into a car. But I also have enjoyed installing different OS' on my laptop and making them function as best as I can.</p>
<p>So should I be headed into EE, Computer Engineering(CE?), or CS?</p>
<p>I haven't been able to tell what exactly I like the best and am looking for ideas.</p>
<p>Hobbies don’t dictate the best college major in any meaningful way. Look through basic course material for each major and from there you can figure out if that’s something you would want to work with.</p>
<p>Im in the same situation as you right now, im 99% sure i want to do CE now though. CS is more programming and not as much hands on work and EE doesnt necessarily have to do with computers, ipods, or cell phones. Obviously im not in college yet but i think CE is kind of a mix of both CS and EE but mainly dealing with computers.</p>
<p>Billy: EE can be just as theoretical as CS, and they can both be very hands on as well.</p>
<p>Tigerin: If you think you want to do some sort of CS/EE, look at the requirements for each program, you should see a lot of overlap between the two. When you’re starting off, get some shared requirements (math, physics, etc) in your schedule, and if you can, take a CS course and an EE course. Once you have some experience, it’ll be much easier to decide which side you prefer, or you might decide you’d rather do something else entirely, and that’s cool too.</p>
<p>@NeoDymium I do agree. That’s why my recent hobby of taking care of cars isn’t what I want to do
But for real, I have taken several summer camps with classes on computer Science, and in Physics we have learned the basics of electricity and I just get more and more interested. And I have looked at the syllabus for all 3 options and all look interesting to me!</p>
<p>@Billy That’s about what I know haha.</p>
<p>@failure622 yeah I suppose that’s a good plan. I’ll just try to stay on a path where I can do either until I really decide. Thanks!</p>