What's so great about U-W???

<p>I was recently accepted to Wisc---I only applied as a safety because everyone thought I needed a backup for my first choice schools U-Mich and UNC. I was deferred at UMich and waiting to hear back from them and UNC sometime in april. I was never impressed with Wisc so I thought instead of wasting 10's of thousands of dollars a year at a place I dont "love" I should just stay at my CC until I get junior status and then apply again to my top schools
........what do you think???</p>

<p>Let someone who wants to be here come- there are plenty of students who would take your place.</p>

<p>cellardoor, I am with you. Turn down Wisconsin, stay at your CC and shoot for your top schools again next year if they don't work out this year. You know where your heart is so follow it. The only real risk is some of the more advanced courses @ CC may not transfer.</p>

<p>I second wis75's post. Please do it fast so others on currently on Wisconsin waitlist can get a shot. You never know someone may be returning your favor @ UM and UNC .... good luck!!</p>

<p>Ow. ok....I was kind of looking for some insight into the campus, like why you like it there, what attracted you to apply etc....</p>

<p>I'm sure you know that it's hard to make a decision about where you'll be for the next few years, and it's even harder to make that choice on your own. I know that there are people who REALLY want to enroll at this school but it is hard for me to release my spot when my only other backup at this point is my CC.</p>

<p>Hmm... maybe I misread your original post. It sounded like you "never impressed with Wisc" and it is "a place (you) don't 'love'" and just "a safety because everyone thought (you) needed a backup." Those are good enough reasons not to go to Wisconsin or, for that matter, any other place. </p>

<p>There is a reason why Wisconsin students and graduates are so loyal to the university because most of them are really happy being there and enjoy having a great time. Browse through this forum will reveal many reasons why people go to Wisconsin. </p>

<p>Granted you can always go to your safety and try to love the place. But, what's wrong with spending another year in CC, to save $$$ and improve your candidacy to your top schools? By the same token, I will tell those who really want to go Wisconsin but was denied this round to do the same. I am really encouraging you to follow your heart and don't settle.</p>

<p>I strongly disagree with the mentality that you shouldn't go somewhere just because it would allow someone who wants to go there more a chance. First of all, there may be too many people accepting spots anyway, and no one will get in off the waitlist regardless of your decision - you never know if your decision will matter at all. Secondly, you earned the spot and others on the waitlist didn't - you have the right to take the spot based on whether or not you think it's the best thing for you. If you absolutely hate the idea of attending the school, then it's probably not the best thing for you, but even if it was your safety, it could still be a good experience, and the best thing for you to do given the circumstances.</p>

<p>UW-Madison was kind of a safety for me as well, but after visiting it a week ago, I really like the idea of attending there. I was also admitted to Michigan, and UW has pretty much moved ahead of Mich on my list, despite Michigan's somewhat more prestigious reputation. My feeling is that they are close enough academically that what is really important is which place you like better, feel better at, etc. Ideally, you should visit Madison and spend some time seeing the (rather large) campus. State street is an awesome place with tons of shops, and much of it pedestrian-only. While Madison has a couple large streets running through the campus (Mich doesn't), UW also has a larger area separated from streets and whatnot, giving it a more traditional collegiate feel. Michigan's campus has small streets going pretty much everywhere through it, except for a relatively small (albeit very nice) place in the center called the diag. Mich. is also separated into the North, and Central/South campuses, and you have to take a bus between the two, which would be kind of a pain.</p>

<p>The idea is - there are people who actively want to be at UW, if you're going to complain about how you don't want to go to UW, give your spot to someone who will appreciate being there. The OP's opening post was negative about the school, hence the following comments; the school isn't in need of students who don't appreciate it. </p>

<p>I've only viewed Michigan online since it is comparable in many ways to UW Madison so there was no reason to encourage son to apply there- the trip around Chicago makes it a lot further than the crow flies! The campus separation requiring buses is a negative, especially if your dorm isn't near your classes. The above post fits the online impression I had, thanks for the input.</p>

<p>I have been to UNC and UM several times and Madison just blows both of them away overall. Academics are pretty even with each having their strengths and few weaknesses. Neither UNC or UM has a place like the UW Union on Lake Mendota. You can build a lifetime of memories there.</p>

<p>Smitty, glad you had a great visit and hope you will ultimately decide to become a Badger. Maybe that will open up a spot for a Wolverine wannabe out there. :)</p>

<p>BTW, OP is a transfer student so his/her decision on Wisconsin will have no effect on the waitlist for freshmen class. But it may help another late transfer applicant. A little goodwill never hurt. Regardless of OP's perception/attitude of UW, I do believe it's in OP's best interest to stay put if UM and/or UNC don't work this year. Plus, the UW door remains open next year unless OP's grades @ CC suffer considerably.</p>

<p>See the Quick thread just started.</p>

<p>thanks barrons---thats the kind of info i was looking for</p>

<p>The town area by UNC is pretty darn small--basically one side of the street for about 6 blocks. That could get old real fast. UM and UW are closer in that regard but the best area of AA for food and fun is a hike from campus. I doubt you will find thousands of people at the UM or uNC unions on a weekend night. </p>

<p><a href="http://www.uc.wisc.edu/slideshow/slideshow04.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.uc.wisc.edu/slideshow/slideshow04.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>To really know how great Madison is, you have to go there. The atmosphere is the best out of any college I've ever visited</p>

<p>yeah take a visit.
personally i dont think mich is all that better than wisco. im turning down umich for wisco.</p>

<p>madison is not a saftey school. especially if u were deferred from Mich</p>

<p>madison is an amazing college town</p>

<p>just got into michigan. you can have my spot. But thanks for the advice.</p>