<p>I keep hearing so much about Harvard's mega financial problems, but I can't find much on Stanford's financial situation these dark days. Anyone know anything?</p>
<p>I don’t think they’ve released any statements, but aside from certain places, 25% is the rule of thumb.</p>
<p>Are you asking about financial aid or the solvency of the school and status of its endowment?</p>
<p>I can tell you that everyone from the President to the ASSU (student government) is asking for input from faculty, staff, and even students on where cuts can be made. It seems like a forgone conclusion that there are going to have to be pretty universal budget reductions in pretty much every area, and it’s likely that most programs/clubs/student groups will likely feel the pinch in a pretty real way. As to whether entire programs or departments are facing the chopping block all together, I have no idea, only time will tell.</p>