What's the aura at UM like?

<p>I'm curious to know what the "tone" or aura is throughout the campus, mainly based on what students are like. Are they mostly rich, spoiled, snobby kids or is there a good mix of people from all backgrounds?</p>

<p>The reason I ask is because I currently go to a school in a very rural area, but right in the middle of a HIGHLY affluent community. About 90%+ of the ~3,000 students at my HS come from high-income families. The mean income is probably 85k+. I'm one of the 10% that isn't high income; In fact, I'm the polar opposite. Anyways, because of the wealth, the vast majority of students at my school tend to be snobby, arrogant, spoiled brats. Their parents get them whatever they want and the kids think they are ever-powerful as a result. I hate it. I'd probably be the same way if my parents were rich and spoiled me, but I honestly don't think I could handle going to college in a similar environment. </p>

<p>Is UM like this at all? Any insight would be great.</p>

<p>I was wondering the same thing. Pls reply someone</p>

<p>There are about a million threads about this. Check the old ones.</p>

<p>In a nut shell:</p>

<p>Miami has an extremely diverse student body (by one poll, the most diverse in the nation). Kids from almost all 50 state, foreign students, kids on scholarship and financial aid, rich kids that are snobby, rich kids that are great and down to earth, students involved in greek life, lots of different service clubs with kids who are dedicated to causes, music students, marine school students, etc…</p>

<p>Just get involved, join some organizations, and you will find students who will become life long friends.</p>

<p>I was wonderinG the same. Based on <a href="http://www..com/%5B/url%5D">http://www..com/</a>
. A lot of the reviews tend to include the snobby, rich, fake, druggie , hard core party animals who only care about their looks. :frowning: I for one CANNOT stand snobs-- it drives me insane. Ive visited the school last year and the campus was beautiful and all but it seemed like EVRRYONE was partying 24/7. My tour guide did not seem rich or snobby, but he seemed like he was high-- like his eyes were half open. Some of the kids seemed overly confident-- like they had the “Im so fly” attitude, but somewhat nice/friendly. The girls seemed to be sort of fake and superficial prep–the guys seemed really laid back. But keep this in mind that this is my observation from visiting only for a day.</p>

<p>The student body is very diverse, this is true. I hear so many different languages walking to and from class and it’s awesome. Many kids are wealthy, full-pay students, this is also true. Many can be snobby and many aren’t. I’ve seen Bentleys and Maseratis on campus so money here is prevalent. That said, I’ve met many cool people, both of the richer and less richer variety. At first I wasn’t too fond of the student body but I’ve come really to like them.</p>

<p>And yes, people party–it’s college and it’s Miami. Still, RAs are extremely strict about this in the dorms. You will see people party hard, but you will be amazed to see them work just as hard.</p>

<p>Ruvuitton- I felt the same way after my initial visit! Yes, I shouldn’t base it off one day and I’m sure there are a good amount of down to earth students but i really cannot stand snobs. I went to a middle and High school full of snobs. I dont know if I can deal with another 4 years. Which is why I’m leaning towards UF. UM may be a smaller school but I really would like to have a good group of friends as well. Sorry if i offend anyone, I’m just stating my opinion</p>

<p>Not to be biased, but if you don’t want a school full of snobs, don’t go to UF either. UF is the “private” of the Florida public schools and full of rich kids as well. Obviously, it’s not a private school so it may be a little less so than UM, but don’t let that lead you to believe students there are down to Earth.</p>

<p>And so this doesn’t sound like I just love the U and hate the Gators and Noles rant, FSU kids are not like that at all (at least not in my experience). Obviously I hate the Noles, but I have friends from FSU (not HS friends) who are awesome and Gators are just insufferable (again, in my limited sample size). But they really do walk around like they own the world. And, admittedly, a lot of UM kids do too.</p>

<p>I think SVMMom and Unoriginal summed it up very well. There are all types of kids at UM. Get involved in activities you love and you will find like-minded students. </p>

<p>I never got the feeling that the kids were overly confident (negative), but confident (positive) is the word I have always used to describe UM students. They are confident in their ability to learn and succeed. UM is a work hard, play hard school.</p>