What's the campus like?

<p>Hey guys
I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight as to the layout of UA’s campus. I looked at a map online and some virtual tour things, it seems there’s a few small streets through the campus but overall it seems pretty clumped together. How big is the campus, like how long would it take to walk from one end to a far end? How close are most of the residential halls to most classes/lectures etc?
Overall would you describe the campus as spread out or clumped (not in a bad way, as in it’s cohesive) and is there a clear sort of distinguishing feeling between being on campus and off campus?</p>

<p>Marry the online tour map (<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama) w/ any Google map (which has a 1" scale on it), and you can see it is fairly large - not clumped or crowded at all, IMO, but still a very manageable size to walk from one end to the other. Cohesive is a great word to use to describe it! (in other words, everything related to the campus, with the exception of athletics and law, which are south of campus) is within a cohesive network of streets and sidewalks.) Every res hall is easily walking distance to all classes…or you can take the Crimson Ride bus around. You can easily walk (or ride) to The Strip, downtown area, from the campus. From top res hall (Presidential) to the bottom class (Reese Phifer?), as the crow flies, is about .8 miles. It would take a good 20+ minutes to walk that, briskly. If you are in MDB or music, Moody Music Bld is another far point on the south-east side of campus. </p>

<p>beautiful and well-kept</p>

<p>OP, not sure what exactly you would use for the sake of comparison if you’re an international student, but as an American who attended a compact urban university (which I loved) and has visited several public flagships here in the US, “traditional” or “classic” are how I would describe UA. It’s a large campus, but very walkable, and includes a huge central quad. This video captures the beauty and breadth of the campus as we experienced it when we visited: <a href=“UA's Beautiful Campus on Vimeo”>http://vimeo.com/68569451&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Which one?</p>

<p>By far the most beautiful public flagship I have visited, which is why I chose to transfer there.</p>

<p>Sure the OP is talking about the flagship campus, UA in Tuscaloosa.</p>



<p>Which one what? There’s only one flagship, The University of Alabama (UA). The others are The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) and The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). All three have great scholarship opportuntinies, but UA is the one most often discussed in this forum. </p>

<p>I’ve often wondered if it might be helpful for there to be separate subforums for UAB and UAH. </p>

<p><a href=“http://www.ua.edu/”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;
<a href=“http://www.uah.edu/”>http://www.uah.edu/&lt;/a&gt;
<a href=“The University of Alabama at Birmingham | UAB”>http://www.uab.edu/home/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Great answers guys!
Yes I was referring to the flagship campus :slight_smile:
I don’t mind it being a bit of a walk from one end to the other, as long as it really feels like a campus. I’m glad to hear it’s “cohesive”. A ‘traditional’, beautiful campus sounds amazing.</p>

<p>@AnnieBeats‌ </p>

<p>which one, what? </p>

<p>@mom2collegekids @LucietheLakie Well, there’s Birmingham and Tuscaloosa and Huntsville. I get that Tuscaloosa is the flagship school, but it’s still important to clarify for the OP. There are other ones the OP could potentially be talking about. There are schools outside of the CC bubble.</p>

<p>There is ONLY ONE UA in Alabama. The others are UAB and UAH. Bama is UA…all by itself. </p>

<p>@mom2collegekids And you are yelling why?</p>

<p>Relax. </p>

<p>Given that there are many international students coming to all three, it’s always important to clarify. And I’ve found as a general rule that international students have far too much on their plate to make room for the political peeing match between UA, UAB, UAH.</p>

<p>Maybe somebody could create a thread explaining the differences between the three schools that could be pinned for future reference. IMHO there should be separate forums for each, but I know plenty of folks come to the Penn State forum to inquire about the various branch campuses. The difference there, however, is that the vast majority of students at the branches head to University Park after two years, and I believe most UAB and UAH students attend those schools for four years. In that sense, I guess the Alabama schools are more like the UNC ones, which, come to think of it, each have their own separate CC threads.</p>

<p>See Bama’s campus listed here: </p>

<p>“The 14 Most Beautiful And Iconic American College Quads”</p>

<p><a href=“The 14 Most Beautiful and Iconic American College Quads”>The 14 Most Beautiful and Iconic American College Quads;

<p>Some beautiful, classically-American campuses for internationals and others who’ve never see one before.</p>

<p>Yes, they are totally separate schools. There is also the University of North Alabama in Florence, U of West Alabama in Livingston, and U of South Alabama in Mobile. The U of East Alabama is usually called Auburn Bless Their Hearts. To the OP: you can walk it, but it’s much easier to ride a bike. There is a bus system. </p>