<p>What's the craziest, most spontaneous, or weird thing you've ever done?</p>
<p>Okay I'll start... buying ten bags of ice (and sitting and chilling in the ice box for a while, scaring the people trying to buy ice) and emptying them all on the trampoline, and having eight people jump on it at once.. and then adding the sprinkler underneath it.</p>
<p>If you've never put ice on a trampoline before, it's amazing, but if you put too much you get huge welts from the ice chunks. It's great though.</p>
<p>Going for a hike in the woods (including treading through a knee deep creek) at around 3 am. Walking through a drive through at McDonalds at around the same time. Sitting in a bathtub (fully clothed) with two other friends while munching on birthday cake and contacting spirits via a oijia board.</p>
<p>one of the craziest things I've ever done? I still haven't learned how to ride a bike! my excuse: i had other "priorities." know i'm missing out... i want to go on my first bike ride by the end of summer, but no one in my family even has a bike.</p>
<p>Skipping history on the last day of school with friends, driving around town and then to the junior high school, where we slowed down, rolled down the windows, and turned "moulin rouge" up as loud as we could, just feet away from the office windows, and then sped off!</p>
<p>................only to find that everybody was in an assembly anyways and probably didn't hear us</p>
<p>walking through drive-thrus never work for me! but once i went through it like 5 times and kept trying to order random stuff and then when we drove up to the actual window part, they threw ice into the car!</p>
<p>and another time me and my friends just laid down in the parking lot of a restaurant, covering ourselves in ketchup packets and just chilled there waiting for a car</p>
<p>The other day though, some of my friends went to our old elementary school in the middle of the night. They found an open window, and snuck in, and started doing weird stuff (they said they acted like ninjas...) One of them went past a motion detector, and set off the school's alarm. They ran out of the building, got into their car, and drove fast... seeing a police car going the opposite direction on the way. I'd say that's crazy thing to do. They didn't steal or break anything, but they'd still have been arrested.</p>
<p>But as for me, I wasn't there with them. I don't do stupid things like that, heh.</p>
<p>Jock Walk :)
Basically... to raise money for charity, science students in my college dress in a lab coat and underwear and run around the campus raising hell. Then we get drunk straight afterwards. (alcohol possibly being needed to fight the cold... this is done in late February.)
I've done it the last 3 years... plan on doing it for the next few too.</p>
<p>Driving around my town on one of its busiest streets after curfew on a weeknight ithout a license (I hadn't driven in like six months, nor had I pass behind-the-wheel yet since I suck so much). Oh, and might I add, with six other teenagers packed into a tiny sedan. And that my friend owned this car?</p>
<p>OK, it's probably not that crazy, but it's really stupid.</p>
<p>My whole life is a series of traffic and curfew violations. And if I actually had to pass a test to get a license, I'd be in jail or something.</p>
<p>On the last day of school, two friends and I decided it was a good time to go to Texas. We got lost in the bad part of Fort Worth. We got to Austin around midnight and ate, then got to Galveston around 4. Then we locked our keys in the car while it was running. Then we tried to set up a tent, but found out we were missing a piece. So at 4 p.m., having not slept in 36+ hours, we decided to drive home. Then we drove in Houston during rush hour. Then we got lost in the bad part of Dallas. We made it home around 6 am, but we were sunburnt beyond belief and it had been raining and 60ยบ the whole time we were gone. That took some explaining.</p>
<p>Pfft...now that's an adventure.</p>
<p>I'd say my honorable mention would be driving to Kansas City (it's like an hour away) on a Tuesday night, getting drunk with a local band, and listening to the lead singer play his acoustic in the basement at 3 am. Then eating at IHOP the next morning and somehow making it back to Lawrence in time for my physics presentation. This was actually the same week as the Texas trip. I guess I got sick of home.</p>