What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

Those who don’t like sushi so much it’s traumatizing , do you not like the rice? I assume that must be it because otherwise its a bit like saying you hate sandwiches. I mean it not just raw fish. What about sushi with cooked shrimp? Veggies? Avocado? Cooked crab? Steak?


I love tamago. It’s just egg, seaweed and rice.


I would eat sushi with something like avocado . I like rice. I meant that i would not eat any sushi involving raw fish.

I don’t eat sushi but I do eat frushi. https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/coconut-frushi

I do not eat rice. Too late to modify my list above. I will eat sushi, but I remove the rice and the seaweed which often means there is little left.

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Have you tried poke’ ? I think it’s delicious.



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Liver. And my grandmother made me drink some sour milk when I was six or seven (she didn’t know it was sour), and I’ve never had a glass of milk since.


If you remove the rice, it’s just sashimi!


Another liver hater here. My mom made it once and my brother and I just stared at it. She made him try it. He took a bite. It went down and came right back up onto the dining room table. That was the end of that.

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I actually like some of the things posted here!

I wasn’t traumatized as a kid by this…but as a young adult. Tofu. I can’t stand the consistency of it, even fried. And it has enough taste that I can taste it too. If it’s in a dish, I just push it to the side of the plate (next to @ChoatieMom rice).

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I think some people who hated vegetables as a kid suffered mostly from the way they were cooked. Boiled to mushy death. My brother hated Cauliflower as a kid and would battle with my parents (I was better at sneaking it into my napkin). I made roasted cauliflower ( in olive oil seasoned just with truffle salt). I roast it in small pieces til it’s caramelized. My brother saw the dark golden brown stuff on my buffet and was like* “what the heck is this?” When I told him cauliflower he was perplexed. He tried a bit and said “No it’s not! This is delicious!” Lol.

  • demonstrating the use of the word that I believe is helpful…in response to the thread about annoying words/phrases. What my brother really did was point and shrug with a quizzical look on his face.
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Some people don’t like fish. I’m a pisces, and I tend not to cannibalize. hehe

I can eat fish if it’s the only protein available, but I very rarely choose it if steak/chicken/pork (etc.) are also on the menu. Now and then I force myself for the health benefits. There have been a few exceptions proving the rule:

  • Had a great fried grouper sandwich in Panama City Beach. The fish was fresh, the tartar sauce was great, the crunch was masterful – very good. The place was called Schooners.

  • I grew up in northern Wisc, where there are a great many freshwater lakes and, hence, fish and fishing. I had some good fish up there. Or at least – it was fresh, so it didn’t really “taste like fish”.

  • Great lobster roll in Maine. Not really fish, but under the greater Seafood umbrella. (technically it’s an insect…)

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My point is that “ sushi” is a rice roll dish. It need not include fish at all. That’s why I don’t understand the “ sushi” hatred. It’s like saying you don’t like “ sandwiches” because you dislike cheese.


I’ll see if I can find some steak sushi then. hehe

Funny sushi story:

The first time I tried it was at the New Famous Chinese Buffet in Nashville… about 15 years ago.

I loaded my plate with non-sushi things, but I did want to try some, so I grabbed a sushi roll and a little ball of rice with a piece of tuna on top – I think it’s called sashimi (?).

In a clear plastic bottle was some mint-green sauce. I thought it was mint sauce, or maybe pesto. So I doused the sushi roll and sashimi with the green stuff.

You can imagine my reaction when I put that roll into my mouth – instant heat up into my nose/sinuses. It was all I could do not to spit it out, the burn was so extreme. Instant tears. Of course, I had covered my sushi with wasabi. lol

I have not made that mistake again.

While house hunting in Charlotte NC last summer we came across a restaurant called CowFish, a burger and sushi bar. I was skeptical. When the waiter recommended, and our kids ordered a “ bacon double cheese sushi roll I called it an abomination! Boy was I wrong. Trying new things is cool


I prefer my rice as a pilaf or wild rice - a typical rice dish. If it’s “just” rice it needs to be able to be covered with something and mixed in as with Chinese. Then I tend to go for fried rice over white. I rarely eat rice by itself and would never choose it on my own.

When I must do sushi to be polite, I choose shrimp, but even shrimp taste better steamed with cocktail sauce for my palette. I just made myself a veggie stir fry for lunch - no rice - just veggies.

Yes, and I don’t share your love at all. You can have mine. I hope I never have to eat any to be polite!

The only meats I like rare are beef and lamb, and I only like those rare, not overcooked, though in stews I can eat them well done - just not as steaks or similar.

Same here except for Salmon. I love Salmon if it’s cooked decently. H has a terrific way of preparing it, as does my son. I enjoy Tuna salad too, but not Tuna in casseroles.

Overall, I’ve found I mostly like salt water fish, not fresh water. Grouper and Rock fish are very good. Some others I don’t like (Mahi, Mahi comes to mind). Then there are some I won’t eat even though they’re great tasting due to being overfished like Swordfish.

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Can’t stand coffee. Even hate to walk down the coffee aisle at the store- the smell makes me gag.

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Interesting about folks who don’t like rice. It was a staple in my house growing up. It’s a super common food in the Deep South. I’m sure I had rice at least every week of my life probably 2 or 3 or 4 times a week. We definitely had rice more often than potatoes or pasta. We’d have rice and gravy or as a kid I just liked rice with a pat of butter. We’d have a big spread for Sunday dinner that often included oven fried chicken, salad, green beans, and white rice. One of my favorite childhood memories is being allowed to watch the Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday night after the big meal for lunch and have a bowl of cold leftover rice with milk and sugar. It was like cereal.


This is why I rarely do rice, not because I don’t like it:


I also rarely do white bread unless it’s to be polite or rolls with holiday meals. With both, I’ve found since I changed my diet I actually prefer the healthier options so it’s a win/win for me.

ps NOT saying fried rice is healthier(!), but it is tastier for me at this point.