What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

We will be visiting with some friends soon and were doing some preliminary meal planning. She mentioned “breaded fish patties”. Yuk. Sounds like captain D’s or something. just, no.

My husband likes brown rice. I like it fine too but I’m usually too impatient for it to cook. I probably cook rice at least once a week.

I don’t think rice is a huge cause of diabetes or half the world would have it since it is eaten at almost every meal in most Asian countries.


We have a rice cooker. Best invention ever. We have rice at least once a week. The only difference with brown rice…I add more water. Comes out perfect every time (I know…I need to try rice in my instant pot).

My rice trauma as a kid….Minute Rice. It’s the only kind we ever had. No thank you!


Oh yeah. Minute Rice is gross.

I have a friend who loves her rice cooker. I just cook mine on the stove and have never had any problem. I’m always a little baffled when I read about people who ‘always burn the rice’. Like how do you even do that?

My favorite is short grain brown rice. I additionally saute finely diced onion in the instapot and then add the rice.

I also have a Persian rice cooker for basmati rice. It is amazing and produces the best crunchy rice.
You can get it on Amazon.

I think rice is…fine. I don’t eat it outside of sushi ( which I tend to really like including with raw fish) because the calories are not worth it. I tell people that I don’t eat it much for the same reason I wouldn’t eat celery ( which I like fine) if it had the same calories as rice.

Maybe not, but everyone in my family who doesn’t smoke on both sides has/had Type II diabetes. Genetically I’m doomed, unless diet matters (since I won’t smoke). So far, switching my diet from theirs has worked, so I’m sticking with it - esp since I don’t feel I’m giving up much considering I like other foods better.

I don’t want to get preachy though, esp on this thread. The above is just “me and my family.” Y’all don’t share our genetics.

Eat what you like and ditch what you don’t! We do. :wink:

Apparently it’s big, and growing.

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We eat rice regularly in this house but none of us are even pre-diabetic. I prefer and usually serve brown rice but S, D and H prefer white rice and mainly eat that when left on their own.

I think quantities and weight of individuals matter more than the particular food items.


I’m the complete opposite. I buy beans at the local coffee place and as I’m walking out the door I’m sniffing the bag, thinking I’m in heaven. :slightly_smiling_face:


While I admit I’m not crazy about some if the things mentioned here (especially over cooked boiled veggies), I don’t find most of them too bad as long as they are properly prepared. I may not opt to cook some of them but I mostly eat what is offered.

I’m pretty sure it’s genetics. H is overweight and eats rice, drinks sodas, and other such unhealthy things, plus has throughout his life, but his diabetic (blood) numbers are perfectly fine.

Personally, I find that as irritating/traumatizing as food dishes (genetic predispositions to things, so others can do what they want, but not “you.”) Taste buds are similar I suppose.

Just an FYI, but sushi rice is made by cooking Japanese short-grain rice with a mixture of rice vinegar, sugar, salt, etc. So, it is different than typical rice.


Agree completely! I tell my husband coffee and cigarettes smell almost the same to me. I have to leave the kitchen when he makes his coffee.
I drink tea.


I eat a fair amount of rice. I make a thing about every ten days called Fiesta Night – rice, black or pinto beans, beef, and taco seasoning, all mixed up. We use it as a base for burritos, tacos, taco salads, nachos, etc. There’s about 1.5 pounds of rice in every 5-pound batch.

That’s better than what I associate the coffee smell with - H’s morning bathroom habits. Barf. Hate the coffee smell.

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What is it about coffee? I LOVE the smell of brewing coffee. And cannot stand the taste in any form. Always puzzled me because I know that smell and taste is so intertwined.


I’ve never liked the taste nor smell of coffee. For awhile I found it very unpleasant and now I don’t notice it so much.

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Oohh, I remembered another food that was super gross as a kid —. School cafeteria collards. They cooked em so much they were practically gray and put vinegar on them too. Super nasty.

Oops, sorry meant to reply to the whole thread not Creekland

I know what you mean about genetics but for me it’s cholesterol. I’m 99% vegetarian (I think the last meat I ate was a little bit of white meat Turkey at Thanksgiving) don’t drink alcohol, rarely drink soda, avoid deep fried foods, but my cholesterol is still elevated. My parents and sibs all had/have high cholesterol including my sister who runs marathons.