What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

Carrot raisin salad with mayonnaise. I used to have nightmares about it. I also hate cole slaw.

Whats funny is that every time one of these threads shows up somewhere, most of the hated foods are things I love, getting into favorite food territory. Liver and onions, brussels sprouts, squash, turnips, lima beans, tuna noodle… yum! :yum: :laughing:

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Liver and onions, as mentioned by several others here- seriously we cried when we saw it. My mother was not a good cook and she made what SHE liked to eat.


Beets and lima beans.
Thank God, never served as a combo.


The instant mashed potatoes at school- they smelled so bad. I also still remember being forced to eat a cupcake with coconut shreds, and a whole, plain hard boiled egg in Kindergarten. They checked our milk cartons to make sure we didn’t hide our eggs.

I don’t remember any problems at home. I did eat liver, with mustard without too much trouble.

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Canned peas. Still can’t stand them.


A whole fish on a plate with its head and all. I remember it was on a boat restaurant in Hong Kong or Japan. I was 7! I still can’t eat a fish that vaguely resembles a fish. I’m even terrified, irrationally of fish in aquariums.


Tater tots. Every kid in grade school loved them except me. Just the smell made me want to gag and that hasn’t ever gone away.

My mom never made liver and onions but Sears used to serve it in their restaurant and she and dad always ordered it. My roommate in college made it once and it tasted pretty good until the horrible aftertaste set in. Nope!

I HATED lima beans up until we were at my grandmother’s house and had FRESH limas. Like picked that afternoon. She was a great cook too. They were SO good!

Reminds me of the times my mother fried Lebanon bologna for my dad’s sandwich when there was too much bacterial growth on it to eat as is. Fortunately, we never had to eat that, but we did get served a fair amount of food that was past its prime. That’s probably why I’ve always had an “iron stomach”. My mother just couldn’t stand to throw away food. I guess that comes from her living through the depression and World War II.

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I wouldn’t say “traumatized,” but something I found disgusting as a kid were the canned tamales that were served in the school cafeteria. I went to a private girls’ school in Memphis and we were supposed to be ladylike and eat whatever was served to us, but those tamales made me gag. I thought that’s what all tamales were like until I moved to Southern California and had authentic tamales, which I love!



i can’t eat a single one of those either. and tuna fish anything

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Cooked cabbage. Red beets. Squash (unless fried). Gag.

Yogurt - the times I’ve tried it, I’ve thrown it up. Same with honey. I haven’t tried often as an adult. Don’t care to!

La Choy! That brought back memories. For most of my growing up life, I thought I hated Chinese food, because that was all I had.


Growing up we were allowed one meal to pass on and eat something else - mine was hands down a hard PASS on liver and onions. Can still smell it when just thinking about it - my parents loved it at home and dining out. Now I think of it fondly, but still have no desire to eat it.

MRI-looking slice of cow brain on a white plate. Accidentally ordered at a French eatery when I thought I was such a hot shot with my high school French.

I like liver. The trick is good quality liver and not overcooked. I’m the only one in my family that likes it though so I can imagine it’s not universally loved.


Tripe and canned peas. Horrible. Also Lutefisk with white sauce.

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oh man; we had similar things too with the wheat germ and natural homemade yogurt. No artificial red dye as well. Lots of carob as well. (NO, it does not taste like chocolate!)


Canned peas
Boiled kale.
At the all-girl Catholic school I attended they served a hot dog covered with chili then wrapped in a tortilla and called it a burrito. Nope.

I forgot about Tripe. Blech!

Shrimp cocktail.

Amen! I was made to sit at the dinner table for a couple of hours one night because I refused to eat lima beans. As soon as my mother left the room, I smuggled a handful into the hall bathroom and flushed them, then rushed back to the table.

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