What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

Because of fear of disease pork had to be cooked to leather in my grandmothers opinion. There was rarely enough gravy to make it palatable. It was worse when she decided to serve it with sauerkraut. She did the same with beef roast but it usually was a bit easier to eat. I love pork and pork roasts now. I don’t cook it to leather and the flavors of tender pork are delicious.


Meat loaf. With a side of canned peas.

City Chicken. With a side of canned peas.

All of the other entrees were okay, but they were usually accompanied by canned peas. :nauseated_face:

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City Chicken. Was that the breaded pork cubes on a stick? I actually like those a lot better than my grandmother’s pork roasts.

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Oh yeah…beets are pretty foul. Especially canned beets. I tried fresh beets recently and discovered that I hate fresh ones (i.e., not canned), too. :joy:

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My elementary school was small and private and made our hot lunches from scratch. Most were really good but…creamed chipped beef on toast was…not.

I love beets! Especially in a salad with feta cheese and greens.


I had to eat lutefisk with white sauce once at my grandma’s house this one particularly miserable Christmas. it made their house smell horrible for days before and afterwards. #neveragain

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My wife’s family are of Swedish ancestry. The mere description of it traumatizes me.

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As a teenager, I was at a family brunch with extended family and served myself a cup of coffee. I was used to using a LOT of sugar so I did the same here. Found out that the sugar dish didn’t contain sugar but saccharin, which is apparently 300 times sweeter than sugar. And, even though I was with family I was overcome with teenage embarrassment and decided I couldn’t spill it out so I drank it anyway. I can still taste it today.

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This is the very reason I never made my kids eat stuff they hated.
I hated peas (I like them now) and my mom INSISTED I eat them. But once my mom left the room my dad pulled my plate over to his and he gobbled them up for me! My hero!


I thought of one more.

Canned potatoes. Not mashed potatoes. But whole potatoes. They were so disgusting.

My mom made us eat some miserable stuff when I was a kid. LOL.

My gardening family canned beets and I guess they were sweetened. But I love them. Nowadays in a salad. When I was growing up I liked a slice on a sausage biscuit. It always surprises me that people dislike them but again I suspect I’ve only ever had them pickled/sweetened. I never had them “plain” though I know people roast them.

Frozen Lima beans and Brussels sprouts. My mom also made mashed potatoes that she served with “meat sauce”. Meat sauce was cheap hamburger browned with onion soup mix. So awful. Rhubarb.

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Wow, that is a blast from the past. I remember when a friend’s mom used to make that. She called it “chicken legs” but it didn’t look anything like a chicken leg to me… :confused:


Anything related to wishbone Italian dressing. I can’t even look at a bottle of it. I like Italian dressing…but not wishbone.

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Oh, I forgot my mom used to break out a can of beets once in awhile. I didn’t like those as a kid and I don’t think I’ve ever had them as an adult. I wasn’t forced to clean my plate so I wasn’t traumatized by them or anything. And I love beets now, just don’t think I’ve had the canned ones. I would probably eat them, though. A place near us used to make a Beet Burger with a big old slab of roasted beet in place of the meat. It’s pretty good!

Oh, thought of one more thing. Y’all are now going to be convinced that I’m crazy, but coffee.

My parents drank percolated coffee (fairly weak brew) all day long and my dad offered it to me when I was 5. I took one sip and I was like nope nope nope!

I have gone through phases where I drank coffee as an adult, but I never developed a love for it and don’t drink it now. I’m a tea drinker. Coffee makes me too jittery and makes my heart race and I really just don’t like the taste very much.


I understand your pain with canned potatoes. But one of the first microwave recipes I ever tried was sliced canned potatoes with cheddar cheese, onion and cream of celery soup. SO good! Like super fast scalloped potatoes.

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Carrot cake. Vegetables do NOT belong in dessert.

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