What's the food dish that traumatized you as a kid?

Not exactly a food, powdered milk. I know with 5 kids that were athletes that we went through tons of milk, but just no.


Canned beets. Still can’t look at any beet product (even fresh ones).

Fascinating what some people hate and what some like.

Radishes— :yum:
Any canned vegetable— :nauseated_face:.
Liver— :face_vomiting:
Tuna casserole— :yum:
Oatmeal— :yum:
Meatloaf— :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:
Beets— :yum:
Coffee— :face_vomiting:

The winner for most loathsome and disgusting dish ever was my mom’s lamb curry. She cooked it in a crockpot so I’d come home from school and that hideous lamb-y curry-y smell was everywhere. I actually LOVE curry, but lamb, forget it. Ugh! :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :mask:


Anchovy pizza. herring. ham.


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Canned fruit cocktail


:nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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Recipe experiments. Growing up was like looking in the pot and finding a Hogwarts potion in there.

Oh, I forgot about the powdered milk! Yeah, that stuff was gross.


When my husband and I first met each other way back when, we discovered that we both liked anchovy and garlic pizza! I guess that was a sign we were meant to be together, even though these days I find anchovies way too salty. My husband still likes them though and will often eat them on crackers with peanut butter :nauseated_face:.

Cold Cheese sandwich. I’ve never had cheese until I came to this country. We were eligible for subsidized or free lunch when we first arrived. I thought it was the worst thing in the world. My mom was actually pretty good at not making me eat anything I didn’t like. As soon as my parents were able, they packed food I liked for lunch. My mom told me that I was very specific on how I liked my food to be presented and she indulged me.
The first place we landed in the US was Midwest. I had tuna casserole and meatloaf at my friends’ house, something i didn’t get at home. I still like tuna casserole and meatloaf every once in a while.


Lima beans because my dad tried to force me to eat them. Liver and onions was rarely on the menu, but might have been traumatizing except my dad loved it, so if I passed on it there was more for him.

My sister used to eat cold left over pizza covered in honey for breakfast. :face_with_spiral_eyes: Day-old pizza still turns my stomach and my husband thinks I’m weird. He loves cold pizza for breakfast.

Forgot about the “welfare cheese”. Various neighbors had access to loaves of it. It would sit in the fridge for years.


My grandfather’s pea or noodle soup. It always had an inch thick layer of pork fat with chunks of fried onions on the top.

I never liked liver. As a medicinal chemist, I can’t imagine why anyone would eat it. It is a waste processing plant of the body!



It was always sold to us as being rich in iron. Have no idea whether it’s true or not.

So much Lima bean hate😂. I make a nice frittata Persian style with Lima beans, dill and onions.

For me- tomatoes and eggs.

Yum, could you post the recipe for that @CMCMLM

Pork chops and applesauce. I still hate applesauce and the pork chops were so so overcooked they could be used as a weapon.

My favorite was tuna noodle casserole. Feeling nostalgic one day when I was first married, I borrowed the recipe from my mom. It was literally so disgusting the thought of it makes me cringe.

brussels sprouts and cauliflower, I’m shuddering just typing the words

remember Manwiches? A weird spicy sloppy joe mix thing that came in a can? I would cry when Mom announced that was lunch.

Fish chowder at my grandmother’s – you never knew what was in it. My huge gruff imposing grandfather would eat some of mine when nobody was looking, to save me from it.

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