Whats the GPA of those who got accepted?

geezus did i get lucky - got in to SOM w/ cummulative GPA of 2.8 up to senior year…</p>

<p>3.6 GPA weighted (Honors & AP Calc BC/Bio). 730 Math and 530 Eng (SAT).</p>

<p>Got in to Harpur with 87% GPA, half dozen Honors/AP but maybe, 1440/1600 SAT helped.</p>

<p>3.77 GPA. It will be higher after this semester. Some honors classes. 6 AP credits from high school. 1 extra curricular.</p>

<p>Hey everybody,</p>

<p>Hope your summer’s are going well.</p>

<p>I am greatly interested in attending Binghamton’s School Of Management. I attend Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, NY where I am a part of the College Discovery program - which is an EOP equivalent. After this summer I will have completed 35 credits. I plan to graduate Kingsborough in January with my Associates of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts. I also plan on pursuing a career in Marketing, at Binghamton starting in the Spring of 2012.</p>

<p>Also, I would have completed pre-reqs like: Business law 1, macro, micro, Stats. BUT NOT calc. </p>

<p>My question is what is the usual GPA that EOP Transfers need to have to be admitted into SOM?</p>

<p>Thank you in advance,</p>

<p>I’m sure OP knows weather he was accepted or not already. For anyone still considering applying for Spring; I am a transfer and got accepted with around a 3.29. I also got into some honor club or something, so that might have helped. I too got my Associates. I think the minimum schools like Bing and sb recommend is a 2.7, but that doesn’t mean admittance, and the higher the better.</p>

impossible shit for brains