Whats the GPA of those who got accepted?

<p>I know Bing is extremely competitive, but exactly how harsh is it? 3.7, 3.8? All Honor roll kids? If anybody could enlighten me and also tell me how much the price of (2 br) housing is near campus, that would be excellent. Also, how does the Economics program rank amongst other schools? Creative Writing? Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Are you asking about transfer GPA or for freshman, high school GPA? </p>

<p>Housing prices will vary, but it is possible to get very low rates (300/month or maybe even lower if you’re very, very lucky). You can live in a variety of different places (Vestal, Johnson City, Binghamton the city, Endicott, Endwell, etc.) and each will have various price ranges for different neighborhoods. There are a few apartment complexes in Vestal that are very popular (Hayes, University Plaza, and Rivera Ridge apartments) but some of these are very expensive and difficult to get into (UP especially). If you are a freshman applicant you will not be able to live off campus the first year. </p>

<p>I don’t know much about the Econ/Creative Writing rankings, but Binghamton is not known for its CR programs. That does NOT mean that the program is bad, it simply means that the school isn’t as well known for it.</p>

<p>ha, 2 views, 1 response! thats what i like to see!
transfer gpa please. ill have completed my associates degree if all goes as planned.
and 300 isnt bad compared to the 900+ i have to pay for my 2 br now. is it relatively easy to find jobs there? even on minimum wage that seems like a large surplus of money.</p>

<p>I just got accepted into Binghamton’s Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science as a freshman. I had a 92 average which is a 3.7 in 4 point scale. I did take mostly honors classes and then some AP classes in junior and senior year.</p>

<p>I have a 96, no clue what it is out of 4.0. My friend got accepted too, he had a 98.</p>

<p>Hi, I’m currently a student at Binghamton. On the admissions website it says under the Transfer Admissions Criteria that you should have a minimum 2.8 Grade Point Average (GPA), 3.0 encouraged; School of Management and Decker School of Nursing have more competitive GPA requirements.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Alright so I just got accepted and I had a gpa of roughly 3.5 and 31 on my ACT. But I am also a URM (black and native american). Also there is a solid chance that I might run there. So i have a lot of hooks but Idk.</p>

<p>Interesting; it seems as low as the ‘minimum’ gpa is, they really aren’t accepting anybody with a gpa lower than at least 3.5. Even those with a 3.5 seem over the head with extra curricular activities and other ‘hooks.’ Did anybody here get accepted with a gpa lower than 3.5 and not too many extracurriculars? Also, do you think Bing would think highly of somebody who wrote for a school paper?</p>

<p>It depends on a few factors(essays, recommendations, extra-curriculars) Some programs are less strict with the gpa. I have a friend who got in with around a 3.1 to the liberal arts program as a transfer. I’m hoping they aren’t too strict because I myself am applying with a 3.33 for the fall semester. Best of luck and let us know how it turns out.</p>

<p>Jobs can be difficult to get. The area is economically depressed so adults, high schoolers, and other area college students (Broome CC as well as other Bing students) all want jobs. On campus jobs are hard to get if you don’t have work study.</p>

<p>I got in with a 5.0/5.0 weighted (4.0/4.0 unweighted) but I don’t think you need nearly that high to get in. I also applied from out of state, not sure what kind of a difference that makes. (I’ve heard out of state is less competitive because there are fewer applicants…but they also must be required accept a certain amount of in-state applicants due to quotas or whatever? Idk…)</p>

<p>i got in with a 3.3. I have to say i was a bit surprised because I had heard about Binghamton being such a competitive school and thought it would be a major reach for me</p>

<p>Karkar, did you apply as a freshman or a transfer?</p>

<p>id like to know that answer too, how much easier do transfer students have it?</p>

<p>karkar looks like a frosh…just a guess</p>

<p>Hello everyone I am looking to transfer to the decker school of nursing. As of now my GPA is a 3.25. Does anyone know how hard it is to get accepted into this program? If someone could pls tell me how good my chances are of getting in that would also be great:)</p>

<p>got in w/ 101.2 weighted at harper</p>

<p>Accepted with a 3.79 uw, but I have to say that Binghamton does appear to be as competitive as people make it seem.</p>

<p>Got in with a 97 gpa weighted =) (to harpur)</p>

<p>got in with 3.69 weighted gpa :)</p>