What's the Vibe?

Parent of a daughter heading to Scripps in STEM who is on the Waitlist for Wellesley (her top choice). So much of what I read about Wellesley may be outdated due to changes in grade deflation recently, but I see of mix of people talking about the school as alternatively supportive/collaborative and hypercompetitive/catty. I know that people can vent about any experience, so I do take some of this with a grain of salt. If she were to get off the waitlist, she would be thrilled but want to make sure she has right up-to-date information about the campus culture which she would want to be inclusive.

At the end of the day the “vibe” of student-body is critical. My sense from visiting is that there is more of a laid-back atmosphere at Scripps which she likes but I really have no idea - it’s all a snapshot in time. Some people I have spoken to about Wellesley (who have never been or had daughters attend) consider it the destination for well-heeled, wealthy private school kids and people who did not get into Ivy’s - so the smart and privileged and maybe a bit insular- which is a different feel than my D may want if there is a feeling of exclusivity. Again, may be completely inaccurate information. BTW, we bumped into a few staff at Wellesley during our visit who were as kind as you would want and expect (watching us wandering around with handhelds listening to a tour), but unfortunately it was summer so no students around.

Can anyone provide comments/insight into the campus culture over the last few years?

Thanks for any feedback. Regardless of whatever happens with my D in the weeks ahead, hopefully any answers to this thread can also help rising Seniors in their decisions.

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I have a sophomore daughter at Wellesley. She loves it! There is a good mix of students there from all kinds of backgrounds. A lot of posts I see are from old stereotypes. There is no one type of Wellesley student.
Yes most are serious about their academics but there are plenty of opportunities to join clubs, go into Boston, take classes at other universities. Since we have twins currently in college and two more kids at home we got pretty good financial aid from Wellesley. My daughter also does a work/study job. There are plenty of students on financial aid and they are definitely not all rich kids.


There is no grade deflation anymore. Exams are self scheduled and the honor code is very important.

Here is a link to the incoming class.

Thank you for your feedback.