<p>In general, if you need a reeval for college, the school will tell you the specific tests they want to see. I’ll look to see what tests were in my S’s test battery and post, but his battery might be more appropriate for a younger kid. But absolutely do not proceed until you find out what tests the college that will see the reeval requires. Also, test batteries may vary according to the original diagnosis, so you’d want to be sure that the psychologist who is doing the reeval has access to your earlier test report(s).</p>
<p>In terms of advice for an LD student transitioning to college, I want to recommend that you start a whole new thread. It’s a big topic and there are a number of parents (and students) here who will have great suggetions.</p>
<p>Let me share my knowledge about tests required in a college LD eval. I graduated from college two years ago and was tested for LD during my sophomore year of college (at age 20). As I understand, the most important thing is not so much the specific tests used as much as that all areas of cognition are tested. The tests should cover: intellectual functioning across all domains, memory/learning, academic skills (reading, writing and math), visual-spatial abilities, executive functioning, and motor skills. As far as the IQ test, many colleges require or recommend it to be the WAIS and certainly all colleges accept it, so to be safe, you should be administered the WAIS rather than another IQ test.</p>
<p>Here are the neuropsychological tests I got administered during my neuropsych. eval. 4 years ago in 2005.</p>
<p>–WAIS III (now in 2009 it’s in the 4th edition)
–Woodcock-Johnson Achievement III–selected subtests (Reading, Writing and Math fluencies, Calculations and Word Attack)
–Nelson Denny Reading Test–Form H (Reading Comprehension)
–California Verbal Learning Test 2nd edition
–Wechsler Memory Scale 3rd edition (Prose Passages subtest only)
–Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test</p>
<p>That’s all I know. Hope it helps.</p>