<p>Wondering how bad mine is compared to everyone on here.</p>
<p>6:15 (or 5:30 tuesdays/thursdays for morning practice, wed for calc lab) - Wake up, eat breakfast, make lunch, get dressed
6:55 - Bike or drive sister and self to school, read newspaper
7:35 - AP Gov
8:30 - AP Calc
9:20-9:30 - snack break
9:30 - AP English
10:25 - Physics
11:15-12:05 - lunch/homework time
12:05 - School-to-Careers Help Desk (computer tech)
1:00 - AP Spanish
1:55 - More School-to-Careers or do homework
3:15 - Cross-country running practice
5:30/6 - Bike/drive home
6-ish - Eat
6:30ish - Shower
7-9 - Homework/computer
9 - Bed (when done)</p>
<p>There, a comprehensive picture of my life. Not really too bad...</p>
<p>5:45- wake up....much too early</p>
<p>6:50-Zero hour starts....Chamber orchestra
7:48- 1st period- Orchestra
8:45- AP Gov
10:06- AP Calc
11:11- AP Econ
12:09 Lunch
12:50- AP Lit
1:55- Spanish 4
2:50-go home and eat</p>
<p>3:50-go for a bike ride.....I ride for a couple hours a night</p>
<p>6ish-eat dinner/shower/watch TV</p>
<p>7ish-start homework
10-11- bed...</p>
<p>Last year way HELL!!!....ii had no free time at all and was going from one thing to another to my desk every day.it stunk.
I like senior year....sooooo soooo easy compared to last year... i have more leisure time....then again in the winter and spring I get really busy....the fall is my least busy time of the year</p>
<p>7:30: get out of bed/ get dressed/ eat breakfast/ whatever else I need to do before school
8:25 bike to school
8:45: foods
9:35: brunch
9:50 creative writing
10:45: AP bio
11:40: lunch
12:20 physics
1:15: AP psych
2:05: either hang around school or go home. depends on if I have anything to do
3:15: XC practice when my knee doesn't suck
4:30-5ish: go home if i had XC
5:15: whatever I want
6:00 homework if I have any
7:00 dinner
7:30: internet time
11:00 bed</p>
<p>Haven't we done **like 5 of these?<a href="But%20no%20complaints%20here,%20it's%20refreshing%20once%20in%20a%20while">/B</a>.</p>
<p>7:20 wake up (this alone probably exhausts all my energy and burns off at least 700 calories alone).</p>
<p>School...the boring stuff except friends (I also try to get some hw done, since I'm actually trying to do hw this year, getting at least above a 60% in most of my classes)</p>
<p>I arrive home around 3, I guess.</p>
<p>3:00~4:00 Nap/Eat/Rest
4:00~9:00 These five hours are a mix between gaming, computer, TV, movies, playing, sometimes hanging out with friends, a few workout sessions in between, and dinner.</p>
<p>From this point on, it diverges:</p>
<p>9:00 I either sleep here, or...
9:00~10:00 try to do a little of hw and gaming. </p>
<p>Then sleep. Never a single day with sleep after 10pm. My schedule's pretty generic for the most part on weekdays, although the 4~9 encompasses a lot of activities from playing games to hanging out with friends.</p>
<p>6:25 - get up
7:10 - leave for school
7:40-2:36 - school
2:40-3:30 - afterschool activity + travel home
3:30-4 - snack, relax
4-5 - check emails, websites, news, facebook, etc
5-6:30 homework
6:30-7:20 - dinner
7:30 - homework + internet
9:30 - shower
10 - mondays, tuesdays = tv
11: finish up whatever homework I have left
usually sleep around 12 - 1.</p>
<p>Sophomore Year</p>
<p>6:00 am - Wake up/get dressed/etc.</p>
<p>7:00 am - Arrive at school to on A days work on homework (I work best in the morning.) and on B days to practice my instruments</p>
<p>8:00 am - School Begins
A day I have Marching Band
B day I have History (I wanted to take Honors, but not enough time in my schedule.)</p>
<p>9:30 am
A day - Latin II A
B day - Honors 10 English</p>
<p>11:05-20 (Depends on the school day. We have mentoring on vertain days that takes away from lunch.) Lunch I usually work on class work during this time or go hang out with my friends.</p>
A day - Honors Algebra II
B day - Honors Biology</p>
A day - Debate
B day - Release-Time Seminary</p>
<p>3:00 -
Mondays/Wed./Fridays - Stay late to practice my instruments or work in the library
Tues/Thurs - Academic Decathalon Practice</p>
<p>4:00 - Head home</p>
<p>6:30 -
Tuesday/Thursday - Marching Band Practice </p>
<p>7:00 -
Wednesday - Youth Group</p>
<p>9:00 - Get home</p>
<p>10:00-1:00 am go to sleep </p>
<p>There's generally more things added through out the week, but that's the ultra basic schedule.</p>
<p>My schedule changes on Fridays and the weekends, so I'll just post my average Mon-Thur regime. </p>
<p>4:20 AM - Wake Up -- Bloody Dogs/Alarm Clock
4:21 AM - Go back to sleep
4:45 AM - Wake Up Again
4:45 - 4:57 AM -- Toss around a bit, mull over whether or not to go back to sleep
4:48 AM - Invariably wake up
4:48 - 5:40 AM - Go to bathroom. Masturbate. Read an article from National Geographic (or popsci, or sciamer, etc.)
5:41 - 5:48 AM - Shower
5:49 - 6:03 AM - Wait to dry off, read another article
6:04 - 6:15 AM - Make breakfast, or start making breakfast if it's fish and I need to broil it for like half an hour.
6:16 - 6:30 AM - Read the newspaper, Browse the internet occasionally
6:31 - 6:40 AM - Eat Breakfast
6:40 - 6:45 AM - Dress. May take longer if I have to don a suit and tie and all that jazz and can't fin it, because I left it lying around somewhere and someone DARED to move it.
6:46 - 6:54 AM - Loiter
6:55 - 7:02 AM - Play a round of darts with grandpa, little brother, and mum
7:03 AM - Begin driving to the AJ's parking lot near my school
7:07 - 7:16 AM - Grrr traffic
7:26 AM - Arrive at AJs
7:26 - 7:33 AM - Walk the rest of the distance to school, particularly the library
7:34 AM - "Hey Nick" "Hey Gabe" "Hey Ruka" "Hey Nick" "Hey Scott" "Hey Nick" "Hey Austin, Jarek, Sheridan, and Curran" (collectively) "Hey Nick"
7:35 - 7:50 AM - Play tanks with Scott, Gabe, and Austin
7:51 AM - Oh **<em>, JOURNAL ENTRY!
7:52 - 7:53 AM - Read assigned bible passage
7:54 - 7:58 AM - Write a 2 paragraph reflection on bible passage. Make sure it drips with a minimum of 2 liters of sarcasm and one full tablespoon of scathing criticism.
~8:00 AM - Arrive at "Jesuit Spirituality" class, "Hey Gregg" "Hey Nick"
8:05 - 8:55 AM - Discuss Bible Passage. Listen to teacher ramble on about the nuances of catholic doctrine. Choke down disgust/laughter. On Thursdays, go to the chapel and sleep a bit.
8:56 - 9:00 AM - Walk to next class period
9:01 - 9:50 AM - Depends on the day of the week. Mondays I have Calc BC, Tuesdays AP Physics B, Wednesdays AP Psychology, and Thursdays AP Literature. Let's assume that it's a Monday. Arrive at Calc BC class, pull out homework, work on homework all period, ignoring the teacher completely in the process. Pat myself on the back for being so darn smart, cool, and diligent.
9:51 - 10:10 AM - Go to the colonnade, repeat intros from library, eat some odd food, responds to Vinay's, Curran's, and Ruka's objections to my eating odd food (it's *too healthy is a common one), talk a bit with everyone, dance and sing and be merry.
10:15 - 11:05 AM - Arrive at AP Lit, and partake in discussion and stuff. Scoff at stupid comments. Use big words, and accept looks of astonishment, bemusement and (certainly) adulation. Roll eyes at person who sits two seats back and one seat left of me when he initiates some stupid argument with person one seat back and one seat right of me.
11:10 - 12:05 PM - Attend Psych class. Snigger along with the rest of the class when teacher starts up some awkward activity or makes a peculiar sexual pun.
12:05</em> PM - Accelerate to the ~speed of light and find myself at physics class, the next day. Talk with friends nearby, solve everything impeccably, and be frustratingly bored as we go over things that I learned on my own a number of years prior.
12:05 - 12:50 PM - Enter wormhole leading to another dimension, find myself inexplicably at the exact time I was before my time traveling shenanigans. Go to colonnade, see if anyone interesting is there. Go to some random club meeting (whichever club I've been neglecting lately).
12:55 - 1:50 PM - Study Hall! Try to do HW, but grow inevitable distracted by games, blogs, forums, and the odd email from IV.
1:55 - 2:45 PM - Sports Medicine. Do menial labor for a bit, then tape up someone's leg or something.
2:50 PM - See if anything tasty is being sold at the cafeteria, because the otherwise grossly overpriced stuff is sold cheap after school. Eat it.
3:10 - 3:35 PM - Drive home.
3:40 - 4:40 PM - Eat. Watch a tivo'd episode of House.
4:41 - 6:00 PM - Go on teh internets!!11!one Frequent forums and other jazz, discuss random stuff and answer questions with IV, play a flash game or two.
6:01 - 6:45 PM - Walk the dog to thirty fifth avenue, going through the park, double back, go through residential zone, wander aimlessly through park for a bit. Jog when the mood strikes. Sprint when it strikes harder.
6:46 - 6:55 PM - Read another article.
6:55 - 7:02 PM - Shower
7:03 PM - Saunter nude back to the comp, plop arse down on office chair
7:04 - 8:30 PM - Chat with IV some more, but if the convo's looking dull, stumbleupon some things.
8:30 - 8:45 PM (may be a longer time interval, adjust accordingly) - Look at porn (softcore btw), masturbate again.
8:45 PM - Get ready to go to be... Get distracted by Daily Schedule thread on CC
8:46 - 9:40 PM - Spend time reminiscing about the day while writing an overly long post that not a single person will ever bother to read.
9:50 PM - Waddle to bed
9:51 PM - Crap, need to put invisaligns back on. Find 'em, and don 'em.
9:52 - 10:15 PM - Watch the beginning of a House/Mythbusters episode (or a full episode of scrubs).
10:16 PM - TV off
10:22 PM - Doze off</p>
<p>Rinse. Repeat.</p>
<p>(lol, not really, I usually have some variety haha. This is the basic template though)</p>
<p>6:30 - 7:50 - wake up, get dressed, breakfast, and go to school
8:00 - 8:45 - Spanish class
8:45 - 9:40 - AP Bio
9:40 - 10:00 first break (lunch)
10 - 10 45 - H. Physics
10 45 - 11 40 H. Math
11 40 - 12 30 H. Eng
12 30 - 1 break
1 - 1 45 AP World
1 50 to 2 30 AP Engl. language</p>
<p>Anytime from 5:30 - 6:30: Wake up, go through morning routine, & do whatever homework I didn't finish the night before (i.e., I fell asleep before starting it).
7:20: Walk to school.
8:00 - 3:00: Attend the biggest waste of time ever (AKA school).
3:00-7:00: Depending on the day, I have Academic Decathlon or mock trial practice for an hour or two. If I don't have an AD meeting, I watch Gilmore Girls while eating dinner, lol. :) Any free time is spent on writing, CC, reading, and sometimes homework.
7:00: Jogging/pilates if we didn't do anything in PE.
7:30: Shower.
8:00-10:00: If there's an urgent assignment that I didn't finish, I'll do it. Otherwise, I will slack off and then sleep at 10:00.</p>
<p>Lather, rinse, repeat!</p>
<p>Until you get to the weekend. Then my schedule looks like this:</p>
<p>8:00 AM - 10:00 PM: Slack off.
10:00 PM - 8:00 AM: Sleep.</p>
<p>12:00 PM wake up
12:00-10:00 PM: eat, hang out, play games, shop, take a nap.
10:00-2:00 AM: play games
2:00-4:00 AM: forums, misc internet stuff, watch movies
4:00: sleep</p>
<p>yea college starts on the 25th..</p>
<p>6:00 - Wake up
6:15-7:20 - Breakfast, shower, homework that I left for the morning/forgot to do
7:20 - Leave my house to pick up 3 (well... now 2) friends.
7:30 - Head to school
7:45-8:30 - Chorus (odd days)/Band (even days)
8:30-10:13 - AP Music Theory (odd)/SUPA Psychology (even)
10:17-11:53 - AP Gov't (odd)/AP French Lang (even)
11:57-12:43 - AP Enviro Lab (odd)/Free (even)
12:47-1:20 - Lunch (odd)/Free (even)
1:24-3:00 - AP English Lit (odd)/AP Environment (even)
3:00-3:30 or 4:00 - Running around to various clubs like a headless chicken
3:30-4:30 - Drive people home
4:30-6:00 - Hang out with my dog (unless it's a Monday or a Wednesday. Then I do my SAT prep hw)
6:00-8:00 - Dinner
6:00-9:00 - SAT prep
8:00/9:00-Whenever - Homework and online
11:00/1:30-6:00 - SLEEP</p>
<p>wow all of your classes are so long! mine are like around 43 mins each.</p>
<p>6:30- wake up, eat breakfast, get dressed, do my hair
7:40- go to school
8:05- school starts, homeroom
8:15- u.s. history
8:59- a days:gym and b days: physics lab
9:40- physics
10:27- art
11:08- keyboarding, a terrible class required to graduate.
11:52- lunch
12:14- spanish
12:58- ap english
1:40- precalc
2:25- schools over
2:30-3:00- chill with whoever at someone's house
3:00-5:00- practice for whatever sport, depending on the season
5:00-? shower, homework, tv
go to bed between 10-11ish</p>
<p>5:30- Wake up. Put in laundry. Finish hw.
6:00- Put laundry in dryer, more hw.
6:30- Shower/Rinse, start getting ready for school.
7:15- Change clothes, breakfast, head for school.
7:45- School
2:45- School's out! Tennis starts
6:30- Get home from tennis. Shower
7:00- FB/Email/CC/Blowdry hair
7:30- Dinner
8:00- Piano
9:30- Start HW
11:00- Journaling
12:00- More HW
1:30- Sleep</p>
<p>Or some variation off of that putting in lessons or club meetings from like 7-10-ish.</p>
<p>7:00- wake up.
7:30- school. we have block scheduling, so it changes from day to day. 7 periods, about an hour each.
2:30- school ends. go to clubs/teachers.
4:30- home. procrastinate. start hw.
7:30- dinner.
7:45- do more hw. freak out over physics and call people for help. procrastinate more.
11:00- done! surf the internet.
11:30- shower.
12:00- read for lit.
12:30- go to sleep. </p>
<p>wow. i never realized how boring my life was until right now.</p>
<p>hehe...this is fun...
6:15 alarm clock goes off...smack it till it turns off, go back to sleep
6:18 phone alarm goes off...turn that off, go back to sleep
6:20-6:45 wake up occasionally, but am too cold to force myself out of bed...finally get up
6:45-6:55 put hair up, put in contacts, wash face, brush teeth, put jeans and shirt on, take hair down
6:55 grab something to eat (had an amazing breakfast today of a veggie pattie in a wheat bread bun :) ), say bye to mom and dad
7:00-7:05 go downstairs, put on shoes, get in car, drive to school occasionally cussing out bad morning drivers
7:15-7:20 get to school park, walk down to school, sit with friend doing homework that not important enough to do at home
7:45 get into classroom for math class to start
(school schedule is extremely prone to change but a 'normal day' is what follows)
8:20 AP spanish...forced to speak spanish
9:30 AP English....embark on a discussion that always revolved around existentialism...yay...leave being depressed
10:30 Hnr Pre-Calc, awesomest math class ever...learn more than necessary, get good grades
11:40 AP Chemistry, laugh at horrible puns, do lab, listen to teacher
1:00 math class...more math. yay.
1:30 AP US history take notes
2:30 prepare myself with the worst class...physics...get good grades and hate my teacher's guts
3:20 kajfkpajiopfjkls;an..finally
if its a t, or th i rush out and run to my car rushing to work and then working till 6...if not i stick around school and rant to friend or learn more math
mondays- go to library till 6ish till i get to hungry to ignore
tuedays - go to work...work till 6ish when i'll be ridiculously hungry
wednesdays- go home..have home to self (PARTY) catch up with tivo-ed shows till 6ish
thurdays- work again
fridays- go somewhere with friends
might have a chem lab for 3 hours...depends
might have SAT practice...depends
6:30 eat something resembling dinner, get on computer...facebook, e-mail, and CC
8:00 bore you guys with my life :)
8:15 do homework with lots of breaks, call sister and talk for a bit (rant)
9:00 shower, pj time
9:15 read, homework, sit and stare
now that i think about it, i don't really know what i do
10:00 have some ice-cream or orange juice (usually oj)
11:00 take out contacts, brush and floss, surf computer
fall asleep sometime later
weekends are awesome
fridays- pretend to do homework, watch tv (numb3rs)
saterdays- go to work or habitat build or some math or science thing
sundays - sleep lateish (around 10) do homework, dance class, eat, go somewhere to do something...</p>
<p>5:45: Alarm goes off. Walk across my room, turn it off, and head to the shower.
5:50-6:05: Shower. Nice and hot to wake me up.
6:10: Get school stuff together, eat a quick breakfast
6:20: Get in my car, drive to my friend's house
6:25: Pick up friend
---Drive To School---
6:40: Get to school.. spend time with friends before class
6:55: Honors Spanish 3
8:00: Honors Algebra 3/Trig
9:00: AP English (aka naptime)
10:00: AP Chemistry
10:25: LUNCH!!!
10:55: Back to another boring 25 mins of AP Chemistry
11:25: Human Anatomy/Physiology
12:30: 20 minutes of hanging out (we have a 20 minute passing time between 5th and 6th period)
12:40: Introduction to European Economics
1:45: Homeroom (aka head start on homework)
2:20: Dismissal
2:25: Get changed for cross country
2:30: Hang out with team in parking lot
2:40: Run to our track (1 mile from school)
3:00: Practice
6:00: Practice Ends
6:05: SPRINT back to the high school to get changed
6:25: Rush to musical rehearsal
6:30: Musical Rehearsal Begins (I take every moment of down time I have during rehearsal to study and do homework)
Some dancing, singing, acting...
10:30: Rehearsal Ends
10:35: leave school
10: 40: Drop friend #1 of at home
10:50: Drop friend #2 off at home
11:05: Home, finally
11:10-12:30ish: Complete Homework
12:30ish: Computer, food (I don't watch TV)
1:00: BED.</p>
<p>Then it all starts over</p>
<p>7:20: wake up, breakfast, etc.
8:00: ECs (different depending on day)
8:45-3:45: School (AP Span Lang, AP Cal AB, Research & Design, AP Phys B)
4:00: Work
6:00: Leave Work
6:15: Robotics
9:00: Dinner
9:30: Shower
10:00: News
10:15: Various reading/FB
10:45: Homework/EC Work
1:00 to 2:15: Sleep</p>
<p>Tuesdays, Thursdays
7:20: wake up, breakfast, etc.
8:00: ECs (different depending on day)
8:45-3:45: School (AP Span Lang, AP Cal AB, Research & Design, AP Phys B)
4:00: Work
6:00: Leave Work
6:15: Get Home, Relax, various reading
7:00: Dinner
7:30: College Stuff (research, apps, scholarships)
8:15: Start homework
9:30: Shower
10:00: News
10:15: Homework/EC Work
12:00 to 1:15: Sleep</p>
7:20: wake up, breakfast, etc.
8:00: ECs (different depending on day)
8:45-3:45: School (AP Span Lang, AP Cal AB, Research & Design, AP Phys B)
4:00: Robotics
5:30: Quick Dinner while driving
6:00: Class
9:00: Dinner
9:30: Shower
10:00: News
10:15: Various Reading/FB
10:45: Homework/EC Work
1:00 to 2:00: Sleep</p>
<p>And again the next week.</p>
<p>6:40 Wake up
6:50 Breakfast
7:10 Leave for school
7:30 AP US History/Honors Lit
9:20 AP French IV/ Honors Physics (switches depending on day)
11:00 Lunch
11:40 Advisory
12:30 AP Chem/AP Calc
2:20 Go Home
2:30 Go on internet
6:00 Dinner
7:20 Leave for soccer practice
8:00-9:30 soccer practice
10:15 shower
11:00 bedtime</p>
<p>Friday no practice and periods one through six</p>
<p>6:10- alarm goes off
6:11- slap alarm until it stops its incessant beeping
6:20- alarm goes off again
6:21- roll over and ignore alarm until sister barges in to turn it off (family: always there to end the obnoxious sounds of life.)
....6:45- finally get up and head to bathroom for my morning routine
7:00- head downstairs dressed, groomed and looking fine (as usual)
7:05- after fighting with sister over nothing important, proceed to make breakfast. While breakfast is cooking I make my lunch (unless I have a meeting to go to and then I just get my lunch at school. Tuesday: Beta Club, Thursday: NHS, Friday: Sierra Club)
Between 7:20-7:40- leave house to either catch bus or get a ride to the place that many call school though it can be more accurately described aslly a pretty nice prison- at least i get to socialize
8:00- 3:15- School (AP US History, Pre-Calc, Yearbook, Lunch, AP Psychology, Honors 11th Lit, AP Environmental Science)
3:15-6: Band Practice on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
4-9 or 7-11: Homework depending on practice days
9 or 11: Shower
Bed by 12 if I'm lucky</p>