What's your junior year schedule?

<p>AP Lit
AP French
AP Physics B
Honors Calculus</p>

<li>Spanish III</li>
<li>AP Lang</li>
<li>College Algebra/Trig</li>
<li>CE Intro to Biotechnology</li>
<li>String Orchestra</li>
<li>US Govt.</li>

<p>I feel you, FilmMaker. This is the first year I’m venturing into the world of AP, and Lang is making me feel like an idiot. So far it’s taught me that your strengths really aren’t strengths until you can apply them with consistency.</p>

<li>AP Calculus AB</li>
<li>AP Language and Composition</li>
<li>Personal Finance</li>
<li>Computer Math</li>
<li>Study Hall</li>
<li>AP US History</li>

<p>I think Computer Math is my favorite class. It’s hands-on, not just note-taking so it’s more fun.</p>

<p>swim gym
Ap stats or precalc (schedule messedup)
Physics honors
Ap english
Ap us history
Spanish 3</p>

<p>French 4
AP Enviro
AP Eng Lang
Pre Calc

<p>AP US History
AP Chemistry
AP Physics C
AP Macro/Micro
Post AP Multi-Variable Calculus/Linear Algebra
Post AP Artificial Intelligence
Post AP DNA Science
Honors English 11</p>

<p>I plan on mine being:</p>

AP Chemistry
AP English Comp.
Honors Spanish 4
Physical Education
AP History

<p>AP US history
AP Lit/Comp
AP Psychology
AP Chemistry
Sports Medicine 1
Anatomy & Physiology H
Precal H
Applied Office Practice
French 1</p>

Computer Science I/II
AP English Lang and Comp
AP US History II
AP Biology
Spanish IV </p>

<p>I was in Pre-Calculus Honors for three days and decided that I could not balance my AP workload with an honors math class (I am good at math, but by no means a genius and would have to work long hours to get an A. Between my extracurriculars, work, and other difficult classes, I wanted one class I knew I didn’t have to work too hard in).</p>

<li><p>AP English and Composition</p></li>
<li><p>AP Calculus BC</p></li>
<li><p>AP Music Theory</p></li>
<li><p>Regular US History (APUSH would drive me insane)</p></li>
<li><p>College Physics (College credit through local community college and weighted like AP)</p></li>
<li><p>Spanish 4 (10 elective credits through local community college, not sure if weighted)</p></li>
<li><p>QUEST (gifted class, currently working on an engineering & technology project for a local science museum)</p></li>

<p>This year is the first year I have had to actually pay attention in class, and it’s pretty tough to do that haha</p>

<p>My Junior Year:
College Pre-Calculus
College Human Anatomy
College American History
Honors English
College Spanish IV
College Psychology (next semester hopefully)</p>

<p>I was going to post my schedule on here, but then I realized I already did. So just ignore me. :P</p>

<li>Anatomy and physiology H</li>
<li>Engineering 2</li>
<li>Gov/econ H</li>
<li>Law studies</li>
<li>French 2</li>
<li>AP lang
7 precalc H</li>