What's your line in the sand?

That would be a lot of states, depending on whether you are referring to open carry or concealed carry (pages below show the general categories of laws on the subject by state).

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Cost, cost, cost.

I will say that my son applied to one school because the tour guide had keys to the theater. My son loved keys.


Nothing south of North Carolina according to S24. Also nothing West Coast (too far) or TX.

For one of my kids the line was no bad weather. Years later, that kid is in grad school in one of the coldest and snowiest locations, and loving it.


D24’s line in the sand is “not too cold.” So about half of the country has been eliminated. :rofl:

Another criteria is “stuff to do on weekends,” but what that means…DH and I are still learning. The definition from D24 seems fluid. LOL

For my daughter, any school that talked up their sports teams more than their academic programs.

For her HS friend’s parents (who are very religiously conservative) it was women’s colleges. The daughter was interested in Mount Holyoke, but parents were convinced she’d become a lesbian if she went there. Yes, seriously!

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My daughter eliminated everything that was not a reasonable driving distance from a ski area.


D20’s was nothing north of NC; she didn’t want to move back home to cold weather and grumpy people. We’re from PA, pretty much summed up our home town :joy:

Uh, yes - I forgot. The prospect of having to spend time on a Senior Thesis was a turn-off for my daughter (Likely would have excelled, but, she did everything she could to avoid having to “bother”).

Because you inappropriately defined “cold & snow” as bad. :smirk:

For my D, the line in the sand is not Arizona, Texas, or Florida.


For my daughter it was cultural, racial, political, and socioeconomical diversity. She didn’t want to continue only being around affluent white kids frankly. I think she made the perfect choice with Pitt.


True. Luckily his definition of bad weather was no snow and cold which eliminated half the country vs truly no bad weather which would have eliminated almost the whole country. But now he’s enjoying winter again.

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On Wed it was 85 degrees in Denver. Yesterday warm but a little windy. Right now? Snowing!

This keeps the laundry interesting. Shorts, t-shirts, sweatshirts, wool socks, jeans, a fleece shirt…

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Politics is purposely kept out of the main threads on College Confidential because we all know “whackadoodles” is a word both sides use to describe the other side, and all the annoyances that can ooze out of making things political.

There is a politics forum if you want to join to respectfully talk about things political. It’s still not allowed to diss each other (meaning one can get kicked out if their sole goal is to diss other posters), but we do have folks on both sides contributing to discussions if you’re (or anyone reading is) interested:


FYI your link goes nowhere

Hmm, I get the politics forum when I click on it, but I know you have to sign up for it. I’m guessing that’s a different link… and I wonder if I can find it… I’ll check.

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Try clicking on the Politics Discussion Group I switched the link to, then reading the rules before deciding if you want to join or not.

ps Thanks for pointing out the link problem!

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D20 eliminated any school south of Washington, DC and anything west of Pennsylvania, with the exception of Michigan and Illinois. Despite having grandparents from Georgia and Mississippi, she absolutely hates the south. She also insisted on a college in a location with four distinct seasons.

S23 refused to look at any school with under 5k undergrads. He toured LACs with his sister and was bored the entire time. He also wanted a school that had engineering students who also liked to play sports or at least watch sporting events. He’s not a recruited athlete and will only do intramural sports in college, but he’s tired of being a hardcore STEM kid who is also a great athlete. At his high school there is a clear social divide, and he often felt caught in the middle. So, his search meant no engineering schools where it’s “just a bunch of nerds” (his words). When looking at universities he was intent on talking to current engineering students and finding out what they did for fun.


I love this thread and post. D24 went on one of her first tours last year–to a rural Midwestern LAC. I wasn’t there, but she turned to dad and said, “Scratch any school like this off my list.” As for me, it turns out that my line in the sand might be “not enough trees.” However, if she really wants a barren campus (I don’t think she does), she can overrule me.

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