What's your Princeton hook?

<p>I'd like to see the admissions rates for many colleges...for a CCer. That would be a very interesting group of statistics.</p>

<p>I just went through the ED thread, and here's what I found:</p>

<p>48 were accepted, 49 were deferred, and 2 were rejected. I stopped counting when I got to RD decisions but the ED percentages were:</p>

<p>Accepted: 48.48%
Deferred: 49.49%
Rejected: 2.02%</p>

<p>So it looks like the average CCer has a 50-50 chance of being accepted ED. The only catch is, of course, Voluntary Response Bias which may have boosted the results. Still, it's a pretty cool statistic!</p>

<p>That's true, though when you read the stats of people deferred...</p>

<p>How about a published/unpublished author?</p>

<p>Getting published in The Astrophysical Journal sure beats unpublished.</p>

<p>I want to save the world (a.k.a. I'm sickeningly optimistic).</p>

<p>You all are amazing.</p>

<p>Hook? Maybe a low track or xcountry time, but nothing mindblowing in research as of now. By the way, great news on the scientific front. It was discovered today through DNA and amino acid sequencing that the AMA-1 gene for the apical membrane antigen on Babesia Divergens, a tick transmitted blood disease, which assists it in binding to blood cells, was just successfully cloned last week by my co-intern and I. Look for a possible antiserum to this disease by late August :); it would be great since this disease is rare in humans but very deadly if contracted.</p>

<p>Nelle178, I also know from reading your other posts that you are an immigrant from Russia. That's an excellent hook, if you ask me. These Ivy types are always looking for students who can broaden their diversity.</p>

I see most of you guys' hooks are sarcasm and dark humor.


<p>If those were hooks, they'd be paying me to matriculate.</p>

<p>wrote a book.</p>

<p>I have recently created my first prototype of the Flux Capacitor. I am currently installing it in an old 80s Delorean and planning to run a few preliminary tests on it. Too bad it's still running on plutonium =( I have yet to install my separate project, Mr. Fusion. I'm worried that this might put me at a disadvantage to the other applicants because the Flux Capacitor by itself doesn't seem strong enough.</p>

<p>I started a rocketry club at my high school as well as a small business to fund it. We make about 100-300 dollars a week and use it for rocket parts, advertising, shirts, etc. We grow with every successive launch and have about 100 members in the club. We have broken the sound barrier, gone over a mile high, and just have fun. Also, we have an outreach program at a camp for abused children. We have been featured in a national rocket company's magazine, and have gained High power certification.</p>

<p>My hooks: I'm taking two classes at Princeton this semester; New Jersey Governor's School; leadership in clubs and other activities; Princeton takes like 10 kids from my school every year.</p>

<p>Oh and I'm Indian. Everyone knows Princeton needs more of us.</p>

<p>Disneyguy - the problem with those stats is that some people come to CC just to post their decisions. What would be really interesting would be to identify admissions patterns of xcore CC'ers (like myself). Maybe you could come to some kind of conclusion about how more time wasted on CC correlates to a lesser chance of acceptance. Or versa vica. :p</p>

<p>now there are... TWO real hooks. What a group we have this year!</p>

<p>imagine every applicant having a mind-blowing hook...what are the poor souls at the admissions office going to do if that really happens?</p>

now there are... TWO real hooks. What a group we have this year!


<p>Hooks, by definition, are rare things. :p</p>

<p>Which ones are you counting as real?</p>

<p>White Male in Mathematics?
School Board rep?</p>

EDIT:\/\/\/\/ because TPBM didn't notice that my hooks suck or are not really hooks or that my post was sarcastic.</p>

White Male in Mathematics?
School Board rep?</p>



Improv isn't that rare, and most of the people who think they do improv are doing the BS short form like they see on Whose Line. So what do you mean by "Improvisor"? Were you in a troupe? Won a forensics competition? Started a club?</p>

<p>I got it, but I was still asking for clarification. I was curious since I know/have trained with a number of professional Improvisor's from the major theatres.</p>