What's your real goal?

Wow... somebody has been reading Karl Marx lately... Unfortunately communism can never work... if you want a GOOD reason for why God doesn't exist (not that I agree with this) read Atlas Shrugged.
Objectivism is so much better</p>

<p>Agreed, k314sig09.</p>


Hmmm, I wasn't aware Einstein lacked confidence or intelligence.


<p>As for my goal, I plan to go to graduate school and then go into archaeology. Forget the gold diggers; I just want to dig dirt. :D</p>

for now - meet people at college (fall) who are like me. I'm sick of having one group of friends in the day and another in the evening. I want intellectually stimulating people who have no trouble partying.</p>

<p>for the future - engineer/invent something that has a lasting (good) effect on the world</p>

<p>a tall order, i know</p>

<p>'tisthetruth, human reasoning is limited in the sense that we cannot fathom the greatness of God and how great His love is. However, I know God is real through personal experience, answered prayers, by just looking at nature and creation, the forgiveness that I experience when I confess my sins, testimonies from other Christians, seeing verses from the Bible come to life, actually applying to my current situations, by my conscience, by the joy, peace, and comfort God gives me, but most important, faith even when I don't see, I still believe.</p>

<p>I could tell you so much about God but will you listen to me and believe? Do you think I am lying to you?</p>

<p>Maybe this will change your mind:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDp7pkEcJVQ%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDp7pkEcJVQ&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>SoLonley: That was absolutely hilarious. Thanks!</p>

<p>I love it.................</p>

<p>warblers: If you bothered to read "The God Delusions" you would know that Einstein did not in fact believe in the standard Christian God you speak of.</p>

<p>Just bec ause he didnt follow every tenet of the church doesnt mean he didnt believe in god. Dawkins' patronization of believers is startling considering how much more renowned a scientist Einstein was compared to Dawkins, as well as how much more renowned Frances Collins is than dawkins. Both Einstein and Dawkins do/did actually scientifc research their entire careers. Dawkins formulated the selfish gene theory, but has lately just because a smug atheist televangelist d-bag.</p>

<p>Dawkins is kind of obnoxious, and he's def. trying to use senationalism to build up hype for his stupid book.</p>

<p>In any case, I believe in a higher power in the same way Einstein did, i.e. a greater cosmic force that slowly reveals itself to us through science...I don't believe in some omnipotent being in the sky throwing lighting bolts though.</p>

<p>But in the end, it's all about what you need to believe to get through life. Life's hard, if you need magic and Jesus and Santa Clause to make it through, why not-just don't start beef with those who don't share your superstitions.</p>

<p>"God is in control, put Him in the driver's seat."</p>

I hate this thread so much that I just had to post.
I have gone through 8 years of catholic grade school, 4 years of Jesuit high school, and may go to Georgetown next year depending on regular admissions. The people posting on this thread are the reason I don't associate myself as a practicing Catholic or any omnipotent "god".</p>

<p>I mean, some people need that support in their lives; but pushing it on other people is the worst thing anyone can do. Dont simonize it. Dont tell me Jesus loves me. Please go love Jesus by yourself.</p>

<p>"The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better. Forget about the future, and live each day according to the teachings, confident that God loves his children. Each day, in itself, brings with it an eternity."</p>

<p>Paulo Coelho</p>

<p>Willovegod: you "know" that God is real? that's extremely absurd. You should've been all over the news by now.</p>

<p>Einstein does not believe in God. Those quotes were taken out of context.</p>

Life's hard, if you need magic and Jesus and Santa Clause to make it through, why not-just don't start beef with those who don't share your superstitions.


<p>Try reading this entire thread. Willlovegod simply said:</p>

I don't want to convert you, that is not my job, I just want to tell you the GREATEST GREATEST GREATEST GREATEST joy in my life. If you want, please e-mail me and I can tell you some stories in which I experienced God's love, grace and mercy.


<p>And that's when the atheists started "beef" with those who don't share their beliefs.</p>

<p>So we've all become experts on Gods existence and religion?</p>
