When did you get your 2nd molars?

<p>What does this have to do with high school?
And it's stressing me this college application week.</p>

<p>So I'm 1 month 'til I'm 17 and it's my understanding that most people get their 2nd molars at different ages. I've had them budding for a while (couple years), but they're finally starting to come out and almost be functional. Unfortunately, they hurt:(</p>

<p>So when did your 2nd molars finally take shape?</p>

<p>Mine started to come out when I was around 16 and they still are on their way to the surface. Problem is I have no space - I 'm getting them removed in about a month.</p>

<p>Heh, and we haven't even had our wisdom teeth.. Must erupt mine before they rot of food getting stuck between the gums!</p>

<p>Flossing my friend...</p>

<p>I'm 18. It was underneath my gums (you could see it in the xrays) and I got it out by surgery - under anesthesia.
It's because I have braces and my jaw is relatively small and so if they came out, it would've ruined the straightness of my teeth.</p>

<p>I'm 16 and 2 months and they still haven't come out yet. And franky, I don't want them to. My older sibling was screaming from the pain when they came out.</p>

<p>^^ wow, screaming? did they ever hear of pain meds?</p>

<p>I got them out 2 summers ago...when I was 15. It wasn't bad at all...i was under anesthesia, and went to the movies later that day.</p>

<p>I thought that getting my tonsils out were worse than wisdom teeth.</p>

<p>they did take some. But when eating...they couldn't help it.</p>

<p>"Flossing my friend..."
That's between the teeth. I'm talking about when half of the tooth is under the gum and half is erupted. Between them, it's a horizontal opening ripe to be rotting of food, hard to "floss" out</p>

<p>surgery is really the best option.</p>

<p>"My older sibling was screaming from the pain when they came out."
Ah! What happened to anesthesia?</p>

<p>it wasn't surgery. when they gradually came out, they were painfull. But only when there was food in there - it had to be chewed.
Other than that, no shouting or anything.</p>

<p>i'm 17 and i got mine out over the summer
it wasn't that painful since they give up plenty of meds</p>

<p>Did you hallucinate?:D</p>