When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>Yeah I’m basically ending AP Bio and AP BC Calculus with a C. Hopefully it wouldn’t put me in hot water.</p>

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<p>There are many, many threads on CC with students worrying about being rescinded. There are very, very few threads with actual examples of students being rescinded. I can’t recall seeing one in which I was surprised about a rescission.</p>

<p>Hello! I was wondering if suspensions could get your admission revoked because I got suspended today for having 9 tardies in my 1st period. And i’m hoping that it really doesn’t affect my admission much…</p>

<p>Kiggafosho–Today’s suspension probably won’t have any impact on your college verdicts, but if it happens again, it might. So you will need to get to school on time for the rest of the year! (Then, when you get to college, maybe you can avoid scheduling morning classes. ;))</p>

<p>For UCs, what if the mark reported was slightly different than the mark on the transcript? This happened because our course mark was given by our exam mark, but the transcript was not updated. Would this affect my decision?</p>


<p>I am looking at potentially 2 As 2 Bs and 1 C for my final grades in ALL AP classes. Until this year I had never gotten anything besides As all through high school and have taken 2 honors and (including this year) 10 ap classes. WILL I BE RESCINDED?!?!? I am so scared, this is the only college I applied to due to sports* and I do not want to miss out. I simply overloaded myself with ap courses and some are much harder than I expected + the inevitable case of senioritis.</p>

<p>***I was accepted early to stanford for athletics. I did not receive a scholarship though, I turned it down because I could get more money through financial aid.</p>

<p>^^^^ oh and this translates to a 3.2 unweighted, 4.2 unweighted GPA</p>

<p>hi!!! i have a question too about rescinding acceptance
my problem is related to class change. I took AP MACRO, but on the application i put AP MICRO do you think they are gonna revoke me cuz of that?
I’ll appreciate if you answer my question thanksss</p>



<p>Nope … the discrepancy is too micro to even be noticed</p>

<p>a friend’s senior d (18yrs) was arrested for having alcohol and marijuana, in her car, just completed a pretrial diversion program and is hoping it will be expunged. (arrest occurred after applications were in) wondering how this may play out–she heard from an attorney that college housing may do background checks, any experience with these type of situations?</p>

<p>While I’m telling my son he has to finish strong in HS for the sake of the placement tests he is required to take this summer for fall registration placement, it made me think that even if he does get a bad case of senioritis, but does well on the placements, wouldn’t that mitigate the bad grades, if any?</p>

If your son is competing for a limited spot against students with equal scores but better grades, there is no mitigation. If the competition is students with better grades but worse scores, then ymmv.</p>

<p>Heh, just revisited this thread. Sorry for the confusion about placement tests. The tests determine which course you can start with, and there is no inter-student competition, just you and the test. If you do well enough, you can start with Calc 2 or Calc 3 for example being credited for the courses that you ‘placed’ out of. Same for Chemistry placement.</p>

<p>These placements are important since your AP scores likely won’t be received by the university by the time you’re registering for your fall courses.</p>

<p>The point is not to slack off your last semester in high school, since it can impact your placement in the curriculum of your degree, even if you don’t get the admission decision rescinded.</p>

<p>Has anyone an example of an admissions being rescinded because of a bullying report?</p>

<p>i have been accepted to ucsc and signed my intent to register. but recently i had an altercation at school that was completely blown out of proportion. pretty soon i am going to write the university about this an how it was all bs. will my chances of being rescinded still be high?</p>

<p>It’s hard to predict whether or not your admission will be rescinded without knowing the details of the altercation. However, when explaining it to the UCSC admission staff, make sure that your tone is contrite. (Saying “it was all bs” will not help your cause.) Emphasize what you learned from the episode. It’s probably okay to say that it was blown out of proportion, as long as you explain why you feel this way and in a tone that isn’t haughty or snide. But admission officials will be evaluating your attitude as much as the episode itself, so you want to be careful about how you present your case.</p>

<p>College admission officers really don’t like to rescind acceptances unless they feel it’s absolutely necessary, so you have this on your side when you contact them.</p>

<p>One thing to note is that even if a college does not revoke your acceptance, they may decide to revoke financial aid. I’ve heard of several cases of athletic scholarships and merit/grant aid being rescinded because of bad behavior (drug and alcohol use) before enrollment at college.</p>

<p>Hi, I’m an international student from Korea. I’ve been accepted to Penn State University in fall 2010. Like everybody else, I’m little freaked out about this whole “College revoking your admission.” I had all A’s and one B in AP Calculus class. But after I got accepted, Senioritis hit me. Now I have C in my AP Calculus and rest of them are all A’s and B’s.
So here’s my question:</p>

<p>Do you think they’ll take away my admission?</p>

<p>and also,</p>

<p>Do they care about AP Exam? Like if I got 1 on the AP Calc. exam?
I know that I won’t get credit for it, but would they revoke my admission because of this?</p>

<p>I called penn state yesterday or so, and asked them about it. And they seemed like they didn’t know what I was talking about. They told me that AP Exam doesn’t effect me and
unless I don’t graduate from high school, they wouldn’t revoke it.
But I don’t think she was so sure about the issue. Can anyone help me please?</p>

<p>How about the AP exams? What if a student fails all the AP that he/she have signed up for?</p>

<p>usanicole–Your Penn State acceptance will not be rescinded due to this downturn in your grades, and your AP exam scores have nothing to do with the admissions process. You will not receive credit for your score but that’s it. The same goes for you, archi92–if you have already been admitted to college and you fail your AP tests, your acceptance is not affected.</p>

<p>So try not to worry about this.</p>