When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>is it even a good idea to write ucsc before they ask for my transcript or should i do it after?</p>



<p>Have you talked to your school guidance counselor (or any other administrator) about how this is being handled by your high school? Are you sure that the incident is being reported to admission officials and–if so–how is the school explaining the situation?</p>

<p>all i know is that the expulsion will be recorded on my transcript and i have no idea what the statement will say. i don’t think it’s being recorded to admission officials at all, but eventually they are going to find out.</p>

<p>capnchr0n1c–Now you’re saying “expulsion.” Have you actually left your school permanently or were you just temporarily suspended? If the latter, you should ask your school counselor what will be recorded on your transcript … simply the fact that you were suspended or the details? Your response will be dependent on what the counselor says (i.e., you may have to write a letter to the admission officials or you may have to do nothing).</p>

<p>If you were expelled, that’s a different … and far more serious … situation which should be addressed immediately.</p>

<p>I’m trying to see if this is realistic. I got into UNC yet they sent me (and everyone else) another “community standards form” asking whether i have any charges pending against me. I do in fact have a DWI charge pending that happened between the time of the application and the decision date. (Meaning i was charged with DWI after i submitted my application.) Does anyone know if it’s possible to explain and justify a DWI charge before an acceptance gets rescinded? In the explanation should i treat “charges” as if they are, in fact, a “conviction” and be more apologetic or should i be more defensive a la “innocent till proven guilty” and say that this has nothing to do with my character/academic progress? Please help! Thank you.</p>

<p>P.S. The form says if you answer “yes” to any of the above questions regarding criminal charges you’re required write an explanation letter. Thinking logically here, that pretty much means that it’s possible to justify a criminal charge, otherwise they wouldn’t require the explanation letter. Am i right?</p>

<p>yes i did get expelled, but seriously it was blown out of proportion. i was listening and singing to my ipod apparently it was too loud so the asb clerk sent me to the office when all he had to do was tell me to stop singing or turn it off. at the office he yelled at me to sit down, i retaliated with anger cuz it got me mad how unfair my disciplinary action was and said "… i guess that lead to my expulsion. what’s worst is that i tried to fight this and get reinstated, at the hearing my former ap lied and said i called him a … there’s a big difference between defying authority and insulting someone.</p>

<p>So… I got accepted to University of the Pacific… not on their prestigious dental or pharmaceutical program. And what are the chances of having my acceptances rescinded? My school goes by a 4x4 block schedule, so it’s 4 classes per semester…</p>

<p>Quarter 3 : 3.0 unweighted (only 1 ap class)</p>

<p>The semester looks like it will end up 2.25 or 2.5 unweighted…</p>

<p>What are the chances of being rescinded?</p>

<p>*note, my accumulative gpa was only 3.07 unweighted throughout my high school years.</p>

<p>My son got a D in his second semester of physics. He had a B first semester. He was admitted to UCSD and the rest of his grades are fine. What are his chances of having his acceptance rescinded?</p>

<p>I got into UC Berkeley for spring semester. However, my GPA MAY drop this semester, i MAY not maintain the “B” average that are apart of the conditions of getting in. I’d have all B’s and one C, however my GPA would not be a “B” Avg. in this event. What are the odds of them revoking my admittance?</p>

<p>I think the no D or F thing supercedes the gpa. Not sure but would like to hear from an expert about rescission.</p>

<p>Okay…so this is really embarrassing to post…but here it goes.</p>

<p>I got into a top-tier liberal arts college (around #50 on USNWR), with a 3.6gpa uw, 2020 SAT, 30 ACT, and the works.</p>

<p>I did fine first semester, but this semester (Jan - current) has gone horribly. As of right now, I am failing THREE classes (2 APs, 1 honors), have a B, and two Cs. This is not like me AT ALL, but I’ve had a pretty bad few months. </p>

<p>For one thing, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in March, and less than a month later went through a bilateral mastechtomy. She’s now recovering and awaiting chemo. It wasn’t hard on me emotionally, but time-wise. My dad died my freshman year, and my sisters are both in college, so it was up to me oftentimes to drive her to appointments/take care of my younger siblings, etc.</p>

<p>Also, one of my best friends died in April after being hit by a drunk driver. And on top of that, my cousin passed away after struggling with meningitis throughout April and early May. </p>

<p>Being out of school for those deaths, as well as my mom’s treatment, took a chunk out of my attendance, grades, etc. Also, I was a production intern for a film and was out of town for 2 weeks, which I planned for but didn’t expect to be accompanied by everything else.</p>

<p>So long story short, thanks to poor attendance and emotional exhaustion, my grades dropped significantly, and there isn’t much to do to save them.</p>

<p>Do you think my school will rescind the acceptance? I wouldn’t expect them to (especially since I’m on their most prestigious scholarship), but I’m getting really worried :confused: Any opinions would be much appreciated.</p>

<p>mjh2010–You have had more tragedy in your high school years than many people experience in a lifetime. I suggest that you ask your school guidance counselor (even if school is over for you now) to write to the admission officials at the college you plan to attend and to tell them exactly what you have told us.</p>

<p>The college will see your final transcript anyway … probably very soon. And, if the school counselor hasn’t included an explanatory note, then this college might indeed rescind your acceptance or at least your scholarship.</p>

<p>But, under the circumstances, I think they will be compassionate and make no change to your current status. However, it’s critical that they know all the details, ASAP. If, for some reason, you can’t reach your school counselor (seems unlikely but possible), then you should write an explanatory letter yourself. In fact, ideally, the admission folks would receive this information from BOTH the counselor and from you.</p>

<p>Good luck to you. You deserve a great summer and a wonderful freshman year.</p>

<p>Can colleges rescind for poor conduct grades(ie we have O-S-N-U if someone gets all U’s but never got suspended can they get rescinded?)
Could you get rescinded because of grade suffixes?(ie you wouldn’t get rescinded with a B or an A but a B- and A- you would)?</p>

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<p>Yes, poor conduct grades can definitely have an impact. All U’s would be a huge flag for colleges. One U would probably slide by.</p>

<p>Grade suffixes shouldn’t matter.</p>

<p>Has anyone actually gotten rescinded for conduct grades or is it just an empty threat?</p>

<p>“Unsatisfactory” across the board is more than just some head-butting with one grumpy teacher. Admission officials would definitely look into what’s behind such a downturn, and a rescinded acceptance could most certainly be in the offing, depending on what they find.</p>

<p>Has anyone here ever been rescinded for conduct grades?</p>

<p>Hello everyone,</p>

<p>I was accepted to SEAS Columbia 2015 in December. Recently, however, I was being immature and anonyously posted negative comments about a peer that goes to another school. She found out it was me that posted online. If she tells on me, would it call for a college to rescind??? What if I get suspended for for it, would it call for a college to rescind?</p>

<p>Oh god I’m so worried please help</p>

<p>It is unlikely that Columbia will rescind your acceptance for this misdeed, although it would be helpful to know exactly how heinous it was. For instance, was your negative comment simply a prank and/or a lapse of good judgment? Or, instead, might it be classified as a hate crime, cyber-bullying, etc.? </p>

<p>A suspension alone is unlikely to lead to a rescinded acceptance, but if the nature of the infraction that caused it were to raise some real doubt about your character … or about the safety of your future schoolmates … then that might be a different story.</p>

<p>What about a student who applies to more than one school EDII and is accepted to both?</p>

<p>I don’t know if this is allowed, but doesn’t EDII have the same limitations/binding elements as EDI?</p>