When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

Hello! I am interested in hearing what you have to say on this matter. The following is a copy-paste from my other thread, which has garnered very little response:

I am a recently admitted transfer student who plans on attending Davis this fall. UC Davis has received my community college transcripts, high school transcripts, and all information required to maintain my admission status, EXCEPT FOR an archived AP score.

I filled out the request in mid June for my AP score, and quickly received a confirmation from CB that it was sent. To my great confusion, UC Davis sent me an email in mid-late July (about a month later) stating, “If we do not receive your official transcripts and/or examination scores within seven (7) calendar days of the date of this message, your fall 2015 admission to UC Davis will be rescinded”.

I immediately contacted Davis Undergraduate Admissions by phone, and was instructed to send proof of my AP score request. The official(x) I was in contact with said that what I sent (a scan of my confirmation letter from CB) was adequate proof, and our conversation was over. However, about a week and a half later at 8:30 am I received a phone-call from a different Davis official(y). I tried to explain my situation as best as I could, mentioning to official(y) that I had already been in contact with the other official(x). I was told to forward my email conversation with official(x) to official(y), including proof, but all I heard back was “Unfortunately, what you sent if [sic] a copy of your AP score. We are asking for evidence on college board letter head that the scores have been requested and on their way.”

Among other things, I explained that "…on the second page you will find what you are looking for. The letter written to me has the College Board logo on the upper right hand corner, and states “your archived AP score report has been sent…” "

It has been about a week since my conversation, I have seen no email response, and Undergrad Admissions has not been answering my calls. I am not sure if what I sent is adequate proof.

I contacted CB to see if they could send another score report, or some sort of (acceptable) proof that my score was sent. They agreed on the morning of 8/4/2015 to send an additional score report by first class mail. When I called the next day, they had no record sending my additional report, or even that I spoke to someone. I called again on 8/7/2015 to find out more information, but after explaining my situation CB put me on hold until their office closed.

At this point I am planning on putting in a second ($25) request for CB to send my scores, but they are closed for the weekend.

What on earth do I do, or who do I contact, to guarantee that my admission is not cancelled?

@CauchyEuler -What a red tape nightmare! Can I post your query on the National Association for College Admission Counseling forum to see if I can find anyone with some power to help you at UC Davis?

By all means, YES! Thank you :smiley:

Can’t promise anything but I’ll give it a shot.

@CauchyEuler - Wait … there’s one other avenue I want to try first. If I post a NACAC query I might get some good ideas but I’ll also get a million misleading ones … sort of like the 10,000 erroneous tips that come in each time there’s an Amber Alert. So I’m going to try Plan B first and then, if it fails, I’ll go with Plan A (the NACAC forum).

@CauchyEuler-I sent you a private message. Let me know here if you didn’t get it.

Hello Sally! I was wondering if you possibly give me some insight.

I am currently a first semester sophomore at a CSU and plan on transferring to a different CSU next fall as a junior. I thought I would be able to make it through my second year at the school I’m currently at, but I am just so so so unhappy and have a family emergency that I need to be home for, so I really don’t think I can stay here. If I were to apply to schools this fall, finish out my semester here, and then transfer to a community college back home just for the spring semester, how badly would that affect the schools’ to which I applied for’s decision for me?
My grades would not go down (I’m an extremely hard worker), I would be working (hopefully two jobs), and I would take courses that can transfer. I just need to be home for both personal and family-related issues.
Is it possible to do so without losing any possible acceptances?

Thank you so much!!!

@jlwoods -The main thing you should be worried about is whether you can get into your intended major if you transfer. Popular majors at CSU schools are often closed to transfer students. So if you know where you hope to land next fall, contact the transfer coordinator in the admission office AND the chair of the department of your major and ask THEM, not me, what to expect.

Also, when you explain your reasons for wanting to transfer, try to make it clear that whatever problems are making you unhappy now should be resolved once you transfer. Admission officials can be reluctant to admit applicants whom they suspect will just leave again because their new transfer school won’t help them to resolve whatever issues drove them out of the first school.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for the advice! I appreciate it :slight_smile:

@jlwoods -You’re very welcome.

I currently am struggling in Calc AB (75) and AP Chem (75). I applied to NYU ED and Fordham, Ohio State and BC EA with a 3.67 GPA, and I’m wondering how likely I will get rescinded if I do end up getting accepted, and my grades still hover around that range at mid year. I tried dropping Calc, but it turns out there is no lower level calc class, so I am basically stuck in Calc AB. What does my situation look like, and what would be a course of sction that you recommend me taking (besides trying to get the grades up?)

I am majoring in poli sci/public policy/econ.

@vineyardvines - If you are admitted to any of your EA colleges, ask your school counselor if these schools requested first-quarter grades before making the decision. Commonly, admission officials will contact guidance counselors for first-quarter grades before issuing an EA or ED verdict. So if a college DID see your first-quarter grades and admitted you anyway, despite the C’s in Calc and Chem, then you should not have to worry about a rescinded acceptance, as long as your grades don’t drop further.

BUT … if you were admitted to a college that did NOT see those grades, your priority should, of course, be to try to pull the grades up, attending extra-help sessions where available, seeking private tutoring (peer tutoring is usually free and is sometimes quite effective though not always) and asking your teacher about extra-credit projects. (Teachers will often give the benefit of the doubt to students who clearly WANT to improve.)

At the same time, if you continue to struggle in these classes and don’t see any upward trend in sight, write to your admission counselor/s at the college/s that admitted you and explain this struggle, providing details of what you’ve tried already (extra help, tutoring, etc.). Chances are good that, if a college has admitted you and you clearly are not slacking, you will not lose your place in the class, even if you do continue with those two C’s. Good luck!

My daughter is accepted at SUNY Albany. She had an 84 average through junior year with consistent struggles in math (two regents passed but she failed and retook Geometry this past August) This year on solely on the advice of the college counselor she is taking Trig. She doesn’t need it to graduate with a regents diploma at all. She just failed a marking period and told me she is struggling mightily and is having trouble understanding it at all. I fear it will be difficult for her to pass. She would like to drop the class entirely. Is this something that could lead to a rescision of the offer? It won’t affect her ability to graduate at all. I am very concerned however.

@Dougrhon50 - Your daughter should email her SUNY Albany admissions rep BEFORE she makes any change to explain her desire to drop trig and her reasons for doing so. It’s important for her to confirm that the dropped class won’t affect her acceptance. It’s unlikely that it will, but it would be a mistake to drop the class without okaying it with the university first. If she doesn’t know who her regional admission rep is, she can just call the admission office and ask … or you can do that part of the legwork for her. If she has applied to any other colleges where she has not yet been admitted but she thinks she might attend, she should notify them of the change as well, if she makes it.

help Sally! I did really bad te first quarter (3 Fs and some Cs)… I will raise the Fs to Bs by the end of the year and the Cs to As (I will have 3 bs and 5 as on my final transcript) I am scared pitt will rescind my acceptance because my gpa for 12th grade will be a 3.2735 and my overall gpa wil be a 3.708 do you think pitt will rescind my acceptance if my gpa (unweighted) drops from a 3.65 junior year to a 3.27 senior year if my overall is still a 3.708 (my weighted gpa will be a lot higher-- it only went down .1 after the first quarter do you think pitt will rescind my acceptance

@worldhistory66 -If you finish with 3 B’s and 5 A’s this year, it seems almost impossible to me that Pitt would take any action. So you should be fine. BUT … your current situation raises a flag for me. What is going on in your life that spawned your current slump? You must now put enormous pressure on yourself to raise your grades significantly … especially those F’s that you expect to turn into B’s. Have you just been slacking off completely or is there a reason behind this significant downturn that you need to address … and that might require some help from an outsider (teacher, tutor, counselor, etc.)?

Most of the public schools will only rescind acceptance if you get a D or F… not sure about Ivies.

My son was accepted to an IVY as an athletic recruit and the coach told him to stay away from C’s during his senior year.

Just family trouble…I know I can raise them up (in currently have a 100% in the class that I first got an f in) I was just worried about the GPA drop?

Hello, I was wondering if I was accepted to a UC like LA or Cal will I get rescinded for having one C in a college-level Calculus 2 class and a B in Bio 1A class in the fall of my high school senior year. I planning to be a psychology major. I have a cumulative 3.89 GPA unweighted from 10-11th grade before this Calc 2 grade and Bio grade.