When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you so much for the advice and kind words, I cannot express how much this means as I have been insanely worried all day. I will nail this letter and send it ASAP, and I’ll update you on the situation as it progresses! <3

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone I was admitted into Ohio State and I am an IB full Diploma student. I am nervous because these are my final grades:

IB Lit: B
IB Chem: B
IB History: B
IB Math: B
IB Physics: C (it was a one year SL which is uncommon and it was a difficult class)
AP Psychology: C

The only reason why I took AP psych was because I needed it to fill a period or else I would have had two free periods and that would have looked lazy to the colleges. I am nervous I will get rescinded due to the two C’s, but I also had extenuating circumstances because I am trying to cope with my father’s death from two years ago and trying to cope with the fact that he will not be here for the many changes I will be/have gone through this year and I should have gone back to my grief counselor, but I thought I could handle it myself, but I couldn’t. Will I be rescinded?

@hopefulpanther -Although I don’t work for OSU, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about (although I fear you’re still going to worry :frowning: ). If you want to be pro-active anyway, write a short note to your admission rep to say what you’ve said here about your rigorous course load the after-shocks of your dad’s death. BUT … add another sentence or two to reassure the admission officials that you’re definitely ready for college. In other words, write something like this … “Although I missed my dad a lot this year and it seems to have had an impact on my academic performance, I know that I am ready to fully tackle college life. I do realize that being a freshman at OSU is sure to have its challenges, but I am eager to be in a new environment. I’m sure that I can handle what lies ahead.”

I was also a teenager when my dad died. Although you will live your life with regrets that he never knew you as an adult, you will also gain strengths from having been through this early loss. Best of luck to you.

Thank you so much @Sally_Rubenstone I will definitely take your advice and reach out! And thanks for your kind words!

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone! I’m headed to Yale in the fall and my grades are A / A- / A- / C- or D+. Will this get me a warning/rescinded? Thanks!

@Anonymoose3 -The Yale admission officials will definitely be concerned about that final grade … especially if it’s a D+. However, they’ll also note that it stands out among what are otherwise good grades. So you’d be wise to contact Yale before Yale contacts you so that you can explain.

Do you have a “good” excuse? For example, did you miss some school due to illness or for some other legit reason (debate tourney, Model UN, robotics events, etc.) and then get behind the eight-ball in a tough class? Or did you basically just blow off the class and then you got behind and couldn’t catch up?

@Anonymoose3 I am not the expert that @SallyRubenstone is, but I remember reading of Yale’s website that they pay close attention to the final report. However, I think that while you may be warned, getting rescinded does not seem extremely likely. With that being said, it may behoove you to contact admissions.
My two cents.

I failed my CALC 2 (College Class Equivalent to Calc BC) final. Worth 33% I now have an F 57% =. The teacher wont round. I have straight A’s in all my other classes. Will I get rescinded at UCLA for a nursing major?
Avid 12 A
Comparative Gov AP A
Anthropology 104 (College Class) A
English Literature and Composition AP A
Macro Economics AP A

Last Semester
Microeconomics AP B
U.S Gov AP A
English Literature and composition B
Calc 1 (College Class Equivalent to Calc AB) C
Child Development 140 (College Class) A

@biobabe101 - UCLA will typically rescind for a D or an F, even if the class is an “extra” one (not required for graduation or admission). I suggest that you contact the university promptly to explain your downturn. With the rest of your transcript being so strong, and class you failed being advanced, you may have some room to negotiate. But address this now. All hell is probably breaking loose at UCLA today but, even so, don’t put it off. Good luck!

Hi Sally,

I was accepted into Case Western Reserve and recently got Cs on my Honors Spanish and AP Euro for term 4. But my final grades for these two classes will still be Bs (my normal performance). I did fine in other classes. Am I getting rescinded? Or a warning letter? Kinda worried…

Thank you very much

@Wendeee -Unless your high school is atypical, your transcript will only show your FINAL grades, not the C’s, and you’ll be fine. CWRU won’t even see the C’s.

Even with the C’s, you might get a warning letter but it would be unlikely that anything worse would happen.

I have no idea if my high school includes term grades, but guess I’ll wait and see what happens. Thank you so much for your answer! :slight_smile:

The son of a friend was rescinded from a full ride at UCLA today for a senior prank.gone bad…don’t blow it now, guys!!! I would be extra careful in this age of social media - in this case, the “responsible kids” who were going to have fun but not do any real damage were joined by others who did quite a bit of financial damage.

Will CSU Long Beach rescind my acceptance if I get a D in Economics? I have A’s and B’s in all my other classes and my teacher has already told me he won’t give me any extra credit or a way to boost my grade :’( I have otherwise been a fairly average student, with a 3.4 GPA. It might also be worthy to note that I’m doing an art major, and all art related classes I took in high school I’ve done really well in.

@lettucepunch -I spoke to a CSU Long Beach admission official today and learned from her that, while the OFFICIAL policy is to rescind the admission of any student with any grade below a C in the senior year, in REALITY each student will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. So, while it’s too early to predict your fate, I suspect that a strong finish in all your OTHER classes might offset your D in economics, along with the fact that your major --art–is unrelated to econ.

In addition, she told me that official transcripts are due from the high schools by July 15th and the review process typically wraps up by the beginning of August. BUT … she also said that it would be wise for you to contact your admission rep (the admission official from CSU Long Beach who oversees applicants from your school) and explain your low grade as best you can. (At the very least, explain that you did try hard in the class and wanted to do extra-credit work to make up for the low grade but the teacher was inflexible.) Point out how much you want to enroll at the university and how your other grades … especially in your intended major … were good. If you are persistent but polite, my best guess is that you have a very decent chance of keeping your place in the freshman class. But I do recommend that you contact the admission office ASAP.

The official I spoke with today told me that, although the transcript review kicks off in earnest after July 15 (when all transcripts must be received), if a transcript arrives sooner, it will likely be reviewer sooner as well. So the quicker you can get your final transcript to CSU, the quicker you’ll have a verdict. Good luck!

@Sally_Rubenstone - I misread + miscalculated and it ended up a B-… Phew. Thanks!!

@Anonymoose3 -Whether you’re a victim of good karma or bad math, the outcome is still a relief. Congrats!

@Sally_Rubenstone Wow – what a gold mine this thread is. Thank you so much for lowering the collective blood pressure of CC!

While I am far less panicked than I was before reading all 64 pages, as a mom, I’m still a bit nervous. My son was accepted RD to a LAC in the NE (after his 1st semester grades were submitted). Here are his grades for this year:

IB Thoery of Knowledge (A,)
IB Elective SL (A,A)
IB Spanish HL (B,B)
IB Bio HL (B,B)
IB English HL (C,C)
IB History HL (C,C)
IB Math/Calculus SL (B,D)

At his school, all IB classes are weighted a full grade above standard classes, but that D is pretty scary nonetheless. Preparing for the IB exams plus playing a demanding spring sport were a bit overwhelming for him – more IB-itis than senioritis. He thought a lot about dropping into non-IB classes this semester, but decided to gut it out.

I’m wondering if schools think about IB grades differently than those for standard classes with respect to recisions, and since my son’s school doesn’t do “final” grades (just the semester ones), if schools might do their own calculation.

Or in other words, what’s the threat level?

@auntiek-The threat level could be pretty high but it would be helpful to know the college in question. It looks like your son had the two C’s even BEFORE he was admitted, so those aren’t the problem … it’s the D. The fact that it’s an IB class in a subject that is tough for most kids will work in his favor. But at the more selective colleges (and I don’t know if your son’s is one of them), AP and IB classes are Standard Operating Procedure, and so he’ll be granted SOME wiggle room for the IB course, but it’s not a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Thus, he really needs to be proactive about this pronto. He’ should contact his admission rep and explain that he got in over his head in this class. He shouldn’t wait to see if the college folks “notice,” because they WILL. And if he’s a recruited athlete, he should tell the coach as well. He may need the coach to run interference for him. Good luck!

I was accepted to BU school of engineering. I am passing all my classes and will be graduating with mostly A’s and B’s except for a D in a history elective. I am worried that I might get rescinded? I have already emailed admissions about this D.