When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@skieurope -Thanks! We both must’ve responded at about the same time.

Son has been recently accepted to Wake Forest under their early decision plan. He is worried that he might get rescinded. Can you please weigh in?

Freshman Year - 1 AP, 3 Honors. 4 Regular classes (All As, 2 Bs)

Sophomore Year - 2 APs, 6 Honors (All As, 1 B)

Junior Year - 6 APs (All As)

Senior Year - 6 APs (As of right now: 3 As, 3 Bs)

Those As are in Statistics, Psychology, and GoPo

Those Bs are in Calculus BC (80), European History (82), and English Lit (84).

Can you please assess the situation and let us know if there is any reason to worry? He is confident that this is how his grades will remain for the rest of the year and no final grades that are Cs.

@Yuj- Relax, your son is fine. He would need a MUCH bigger dip in grades to put his acceptance in jeopardy (at least a couple C’s, maybe a D). So there’s nothing to worry about here. Congratulations on his acceptance to Wake Forest.

Hello Sally,

Her grade has gone up a little now but she will end in the Bs-- affecting her GPA. Do schools like Stanford,Cornell and the like use the first semester grades of senior year to calculate GPA or just to check rigor?

@pacificnwgal -Glad the grade has gone up. Admission officials definitely consider senior grades. First semester senior grades are as important as junior grades, although students are often led to believe that they’re not.

I am senior and I am maintaining As and mid-high Bs for the most part. I have a 93 gpa and 1410 sat. However, my calc grade is very low and could end as a D or possibly even a F. All my other grades should be just fine, and since im doing better in all classes except math than previous years overall, my gpa should stay around the same. However, I do know that a D or F in even one course can cause rescinding of my admission. I just wanted to know how probable a rescinding would be for me.(the college in question will probably be rutgers).

@KDABOMB -Be proactive. First line up a tutor and/or go to your teacher’s extra-help sessions, if offered. Next, email the regional rep at Rutgers (and at your other target colleges) to explain your situation. Point out that you’re working hard in calc but you’re worried that you might end up with a D or even an F anyway. List the measures you’ve taken to try to improve in order to emphasize that you’re not slacking. Also mention that all of your OTHER grades are even better than usual.

If you contact your regional rep(s) now (these are the admission staff members at each college who oversee applicants from your high school), it’s likely that a bad grade in math will be viewed as an aberration and not as the result of senioritis, and you should be okay. Good luck!

Hello, I was wondering if schools like Yale would rescind my acceptance if my mid year report is such: half of them would be 95+ and half of them would be 90+. Would a 90 in AP Calculus AB, or in another class result in top tier colleges in rescinding their offer?

@shinnie - read the rest of the thread. Like 5 posts up.

@Sally_Rubenstone i have been admitted early decision to Claremont McKenna. I have been a straight A student all of high school but this past semester has been a real challenge for me. I’ve been trying my best, going in after school many days, but i just can’t seem to get a good grade in AP Calc. Best case scenario i get a B, worst case a D, and most likely a C. I also will likely end up with a B in AP physics and I’m borderline a B (probably will get an A but you never know) in ap econ. Would i get rescinded with 2 Bs and a C or a D?

@fudgiewayne - Yes, you may lose your acceptance with those grades you cited, especially if you get a D. Read some of my other recent posts on this thread, such as #1527, to see how to be proactive with your admissions counselor.

With attention to this now and stepped up effort, you should be able to save your place in the class. But keep in mind that most admission offices shut down for a week or so over Christmas and New Year’s. So you may not get a response promptly this week or next.

Good luck!

@Sally_Rubenstone For a U.S. top 5 college (i.e. Ivy League), can you be rescinded for failing the IB diploma if you are a domestic student and IB grades do not count towards your high school transcript?

@Boeing777300 - The admission officials will look at your IB exam scores in context. Since you are in a US high school, you will presumably receive grades in all of your IB classes at the end of the year that are independent of your IB exam results. So if those grades are strong, then your IB results will take a back seat and shouldn’t affect your acceptance. BUT … if you REALLY tanked your IB exams (i.e., you didn’t just miss the diploma by a couple points but had very bad scores in several areas), then the admission officials will probably look further to see what was going on with you. In that case, you’ll most likely get a warning letter asking you to explain what went awry. This still may not lead to a rescinded acceptance but you will need to provide some reasons for your poor performance.

@Sally_Rubenstone I was accepted into Stony Brook University this fall with a 3.8 gpa. I am concerned because my gpa has dropped to a 3.4 this semester. Would the university rescind my acceptance because of this?

@Starguy -Unless you got a D in one of your classes, you don’t have to worry about that dip in grades. Admission officials really do not like to see D’s (or F’s) on a senior’s transcript, and you’ll have a lot of explaining to do if you got one. Otherwise, you’re fine.

But don’t slack off in your final semester because a steady downhill trajectory could work against you.

@Sally_Rubenstone Thanks. I’m actually not a senior in high school, I’m applying as a transfer student from Suffolk County Community College.

@Starguy - Does SCCC have an agreement with Stony Brook that requires a specific GPA to transfer? If they do, then as long as you meet the requirement, you’re still fine despite the grade drop.

@Sally_Rubenstone Stony Brook requires all transfer applicants to have at least a 3.0 gpa.

@Starguy-Then you’re fine. But if you do have another semester to go before you transfer, be sure to stop the slide!

My son got admission into Rutgers. One AP subject has F in 2nd marking period. All other subjects are, one B- and rest all A average. Just hired tutor for this failing subject. Hopefully he will work hard and get C average as a final grade in this subject. Does this F make his admission rescinded. Do we need to contact admission office at this time?