When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>I have a question about how final grades are evaluated: My school sends term grades for 1st semester senior year but at the end they only send the final grade, so terms 3 and 4 won’t be seen. So theoretically, if I dropped from A’s to C+'s (this would be absolute worst case scenario, I’m trying to keep my grades B+'s and above with the possible exception of AP English which is just super hard at times) my final grade would still be a B. So my drop wouldn’t look that huge, but if they thought about what it meant they would know my grades dropped significantly. Would colleges be likely to rescind someone based on that?</p>

<p>what if a student is asked to step down from a leadership group at school, will this affect early decision acceptance?</p>

<p>i got into rutgers, st.johns,UMBC, Alabama,Penn State,Indiana, Pitt w/ a 2.7 gpa.
im a senior now and my 1st semester grade was not so good. will they rescind my acceptances? Is there still hope? If I do outstanding 3rd and 4th quarter can i still make it?

<p>cbtmontana–If you rebound from your bad first semester in the next quarter, you should be okay. But just how bad is “not so good”? Did you fail or get D’s in core subjects? If so, how many?</p>

<p>3 out of 6 classes 2 of them where AP and 1 was honors</p>

<p>Not sure what you mean … did you fail 3 out of 6?</p>

<p>no i got 3 ds</p>

<p>3 D’s might cause you trouble after your counselor sends in your mid-year school report. You could have your acceptances rescinded, or–more likely–the colleges that already accepted you may notify you that you will forfeit your acceptance if there isn’t SIGNIFICANT improvement in the 3rd quarter. If there was a reason behind this drop besides senioritis (e.g., illness, family problems or death) then your counselor should include this information in his or her mid-year report (or in a follow-up letter, if the report has now been sent).</p>

<p>But what if you’re failing only one class? I was accepted early to William and Mary, but I got a C for my semester grade in Calculus and am currently slipping down into the D, maybe F, range this quarter. Even if the rest of my classes were A’s and B’s, would that be enough to get me revoked?</p>

<p>Juxtaposition18–If you’re trying your best and still fail, you probably won’t get your acceptance rescinded, though you may hear from the admission office asking about your final grade. Since you’ve still got plenty of time before the end of the school year, I suggest that you talk to your calculus teacher now to find out what you can do to at least stay in the C/C- range. With extra help and/or extra credit, you ought to be able to stay afloat with this much time still left to pull up your final grade.</p>

<p>Even though a rescinded acceptance isn’t likely if all your other grades stay where they were when you applied, you really don’t want to end the year with an F and take a chance.</p>

<p>Juxtaposition 18, we will contact any admitted student who fails a class asking for an explanation. We may even ask you to come meet with us on campus. This is because we want to make sure our incoming students are best prepared to enter W&M as successful students in the fall. We know calculus is a tough class and Sally had some great suggestions about how to move forward through this semester. Please feel free to reach out to us if we can be of assistance.</p>

<p>If your average dropped from 96 to 88 (from first semester to second semester), would that be severe enough for a rescinded admission? My AP statistics grade dropped pretty harshly since the beginning of the year and my average got dragged down along with it…</p>



<p>No, it isn’t severe enough for your acceptance to be rescinded. But if your AP Stats grade is a D, you might hear from the college with some sort of a heads-up that they don’t like the D (but they won’t do anything about it).</p>

<p>When I applied my gpa was a 3.3 but this year I have a 2.75, is that borderline? I should mention that my second term grade in AP World History was in the mid 60s, however my first semester grade in that class was a 71. Do colleges see these grades by term or semester? Also, I have pulled my AP world grade up to a high C and my others are pretty decent as of now.</p>

<p>Thanks for any input.</p>

<p>nave17–The grades that colleges see will vary from high school to high school. The most typical transcripts include grades from all four quarters (for those schools on a quarter system, of course) along with semester grades and final grades. Exam grades are usually on there, too. (In other words, EVERYTHING!)</p>

<p>But if you have pulled your AP World History grade up to a high C (or, hopefully, better) by the end of the school year, the mid-60’s grade from the second term shouldn’t be a problem. The admission folks will focus on the final grade. </p>

<p>If your other grades are “pretty decent,” you will probably be okay.</p>

<p>Hi! Many of my classes are semester long, which makes me worried about grade equivalency. Of the two that have remained the same, one has gone up a third of a grade and the other gone down, so that seems a-o-k to me. One class slot switched subject entirely, and went up a few levels. That grade slot, however, seems to be only a third or so lower that it was last semester. </p>

<p>But, and here’s what’s worrying me, with that in mind, I went up a level of language class. My new teacher is a HARSH grader, and I think my grade may have gone from an A- last semester to a C+ or so. I’m really concerned; would this potentially provoke a college to rescind my acceptance, particularly if they’re a “top-tier” school?</p>



<p>My best guess is that the college will do nothing about one C+ … or, on the other hand, they may contact you to ask about it, and you can explain that the new teacher is a notoriously tough grader. And then, at that point, they’ll let it go.</p>

<p>if my ACT score is cancelled after i got accepted to college, what would happen?</p>

<p>So, I’ve been a straight-A student up until this year (senior year). This year, my parents have been in the process of a messy divorce (which they insist on pulling me into) and my brother has fallen in with a bad crowd. Due mostly to emotional stress, my grades have taken a few hits. Last semester, I got a B in physics and a C in calculus. Somehow, I still got into Rice University.
This semester has been even rougher (more fighting, more stress, etc etc) and my grades have taken another slight hit. At the moment, I’ll have a B in both Physics and English. These don’t worry me. I am, however, worried about my calculus grade. I’m coasting between a C and a D right now, and I’m terrified that of I get a D my acceptance to Rice will be rescinded. I’m a humanities major though, so will they not care so long as I pass the class?</p>

<p>LondonCircle … If Rice has concerns about your calc grade, they will contact you and probably your guidance counselor, too. So be sure that your counselor is well informed of your home life situation. </p>

<p>Most colleges will contact the high school (and/or the applicant) any time there is a D or F, regardless of the subject and where it fits in with the intended major. This shouldn’t be a deal-breaker for you, but it’s important that you get your counselor’s support. So don’t waste any time … sit down with your counselor and spell out the details of your homefront stresses.</p>

<p>Good luck to you. Sounds like going away to college is just what you need. It’s time to focus on yourself and to realize that you can’t solve your family’s problems. In fact, the best help you can give your parents and even your brother is probably to make sure that you’re doing the most you can with your life.</p>