When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone,
I appreciate all the advice you’ve been giving me lately. Another update, my professor did end up filing a report to the dean. However, I was informed that this will be considered a warning for me. I’m not too sure whether if it will be on my official transcript or not. But in the case that it isn’t on my official transcript, what steps do I take looking forward? Thanks.

@user_706041 -This is getting confusing! However, because your professor did file a report, I feel that you should disclose the episode to UCI. However, you may not have to use the word “cheating.” Instead, you can say that you were cited for inappropriate use of reference materials during an online exam (or whatever it actually was that you did). Point out that you were not suspended for this but it was listed as a “warning.”

Be sure to do everything discussed above … i.e., apologize profusely; accept full responsibility for poor judgment; explain that this sort of behavior is an anomaly for you and that you’ve never been in trouble before; also explain that the stress and confusion of the pandemic were what led you to this terrible mistake but that you’ve now learned a lot about yourself and about how there are better, smarter and more ethical ways to respond to pressure–academic or otherwise.

You may still lose your place at UCI, but that could happen anyway just because you got a D, even had there been no cheating involved. But I do think it would be unwise to NOT report the cheating episode and then find out that UCI had learned of it from your school. Then you’d lose your place for sure.

@nervoussenior111 -In any other year, I’d have to answer your question with an unsatisfying, “I don’t know.” But now, while I STILL don’t know for sure how USD will handle a failed AP Physics class, my best guess is that it won’t affect your acceptance, honors, or scholarship.

As I’ve said often already, due to the pandemic admission officials are granting a lot of leeway when it comes to poor grades. Moreover, private colleges like USD, which enroll a lot of students from out of state (in this case, close to 40%) are worrying about how many accepted students will actually show up for the fall semester.

So, if you don’t pass the class, you do need to write to your admission rep at USD (with a Cc to the main admissions address) to apologize for the downturn and to explain the role that COVID-19 has played in it. Keep in mind that EVERYONE is suffering in some way due to the virus and the changes it has spawned. So don’t try to make your situation sound worse than what everyone else is going through—unless, of course, it is. Explain that a class like AP Physics would be challenging even under normal circumstances, but that–without the benefit of in-person instruction–you tried hard but struggled and ultimately didn’t pass.

While I can’t say for sure what your outcome will be because these are unprecedented times, my best bet is that you’ll be okay across the board. Please do let us know what happens, and good luck.

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone,
Sorry for the confusion I’ve been causing for you. My situation is changing everyday with different updates. I contacted my GC and she confirmed that nothing will show on my transcript, and the email I received from the dean was good (because it was a warning). She’s cleared me to retake the class in the summer, but is in contact with UCI to determine if it’s fine for me or not.

@user_706041-No worries about the confusion on MY end. I’m sure it’s worse for YOU. But it does sound as if you’ve got an on-the-ball counselor. So, at this point, I recommend that you let HER advise you about how to proceed with UCI. If she thinks you should confess and explain the cheating to UCI, then follow her suggestions. It also sounds as if she’s in your corner, so hopefully she will pave the way for you to enroll at UCI as planned. Good luck!

Hello @Sally_Rubenstone,
In the fall semester of my senior year, I took a dual enrollment class that was optional (not A-G class and not UC transferable). I received an FW and emailed UCSC about the issue and they said that my admissions will not be canceled. However, I realized that I did not include this class on my UC application. Could this mistake get me rescinded? I am already committed to UCSC but I’m scared that this mistake could get me canceled.

@junie_fang -You’re fine. It was wise of you to contact UCSC about this, but you don’t have to worry about the discrepancy between your application and your transcript. Your acceptance will not be rescinded.

Good luck to you as you begin your college career during these challenging times!

Hi @sally-rubenstone,
I recently got involved with exposing a racist student from my school (more to expose my high school than the student). This student contacted me, asking me to delete my contribution to the exposé as they were getting bullied. I immediately deleted the post, yet the student still contacted my university saying I was directly bullying them and making up lies about them, though I did neither of the two. Could this get me rescinded?

@Sally_Rubenstone *

@stanucia-If you were actually bullying a schoolmate, it’s possible that your acceptance could be in jeopardy. But if someone from your university contacts you, and if you present your situation as you’ve explained it to me, it seems unlikely that you’ll be in trouble.

These are such confusing and heated times, that admission officials will probably not revoke acceptances for posts on social media unless these posts are clearly racist or extremely offensive in other ways. But it would be helpful to know exactly what you said about this other student and where you said it.

I filled out a course change form but I didn’t explain that my counselor told me that I didn’t need to include it. I don’t want them to think that I left it out on purpose. This won’t be an issue?

@Sally_Rubenstone (I’m sorry I forgot to tag you in the previous reply)

@junie_fang -Nope. It won’t be an issue. You’re fine.

Hello Sally,
I recently checked my attendance record at my school and realized that I received one day of truancy for an unexcused absence. Once checking it over, I realized that it was from the day that I had a doctor’s appointment and I have a doctor’s note as well. When I spoke to my school’s attendance office they stated that they can no longer change my attendance record because it is closed. Will I be rescinded? Would you recommend that I contact my college counselor about this matter?

@yayschool22 -This is nothing to worry about. You will not have your acceptance rescinded so there’s no need to contact your counselor.

@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you so much for your advice! (:

I got into UIUC for engineering but yesterday I received an email saying that on my application I marked that I had completed non-AP college coursework, but in the admitted checklist I marked that I did not have any college coursework transcripts. I wrote to admissions yesterday telling them that I did complete college coursework and earn credit but it was only transferable to the University of Washington, and I only have the unofficial transcript for these credits. Do you think the confusion could lead to them rescinding my offer?

@hkoduri -You will definitely NOT have your acceptance rescinded for this bit of confusion, so don’t worry. Just explain the situation to admission officials as you’ve explained it to me–if you haven’t done so already. You’ll be fine.

Hi, I have been accepted to Grinnell College Early Decision, and I go to a South Korean school where a school year ends in December. All my senior grades are finalized. This year, I had to take 9 classes (the most I have taken in high school) with five ap classes. It was very difficult and I have earned myself two C+ in my final transcript for the second semester. (There were AP Cal and Chem which were both Bs in the first semester of senior year). I have A or A+ for the rest of the classes with a single B+
Is there a chance of me getting rescinded or facing any consequences due to this issue? My final weighted GPA for the second semester will be around 4.0 and my UW GPA will be quite low this semester. As a student with zero C’s in all the other semesters, I am quite anxious. I thank those who read through this chaotic rant.

I am a senior and got accepted to BU as ED. Before they accepted me, they asked the counselor about my senior grade drop. However, I got two more C compared to my previous grade. So will I get rescind…?