When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

Thank you! My daughter’s college didn’t see her calculus grades before she was admitted to college; She will major in history in college. So as long as she gets at least a C minus, she won’t be rescind? Thank you again for you help.

I can’t say with 100% certainty that an acceptance won’t be rescinded for a C- in AP Calc. But I CAN say that I’d be VERY surprised. Perhaps ironically, it will actually work in your daughter’s favor if she gets a C- in calculus in BOTH semesters. Had she gotten an A or B in the first semester and then a C- in the second, it would look like slacking. But two C-‘s will simply look like she tried to challenge herself but got in over her head. And that shouldn’t lead to a rescinded acceptance. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you Sally, this is very helpful!

Wow, you’re still answering questions. This thread is so helpful!

I recently got into a mid-ranked LAC (liberal arts college) with a full-ride scholarship (through their ED1 round).

I’m kinda in a similar situation.

My predicted grades were all 90s and I had scored 95+ in most subjects during my freshman, sophomore, and junior year. I was basically an all As student throughout high school (and this is what the colleges saw when accepting me).

While my overall grade this year (senior year) will probably be above 80%, I’m afraid that my Chem grades might fall as low as 60%. I’m expecting at least an 80% on other subjects (and even 90%+ on two subjects).

The reason for the drop in my chem grades is that I’ve been sick for a while and was also sick right before my chem finals. I went for a doctor’s appointment so I do have a slip that might prove that I was indeed sick (in case they think I’m lying).

My other grades won’t be that bad, maybe a drop of 5%-6% but nothing serious.

Oh and also, I’m an international student so the gradings (and overall curriculum) are very different for me. You need to score below 33% to fail a class and a 60-70% is termed a “B2” (idk how much that is equivalent to in the US curriculum).
I’m talking about the Indian curriculum (CBSE).

Is it possible that I’ll be rescinded for this huge drop in one subject and a slight drop in other subjects?

To clarify, my grades are probably going to be-
English: ~90-95% (was the same in previous years)
PE: ~90-100% (was the same in previous years)

Chem: ~60-70% (was ~95% in previous years) – (Again, to fail, you need to score below 33 and a 60-70 is considered a “B2” in my curriculum)

Math:~80-90% (was ~95% in previous years)
Physics:~85-90% (was ~95% in previous years)

I’m expecting my overall senior year percentage to be 85% (i.e. averaging every subject). I have got 90%-95% average in previous years

Oops, I think I forgot to tag you.
Also, I wrote a short email to the admissions office yesterday explaining these things–

  1. My health condition due to which I couldn’t attend classes (I just briefly told them I had “health conditions” that I could elaborate about with proper documentation, if necessary.
  2. My possible grade drop
  3. Tried to reassure them about my commitment to academics (and said that I’m planning to take summer classes and online intro classes over the summer to make sure I transition to college better.

@Anupamrubu --My best guess is that you’ll get a “warning” from your college but nothing worse. Colleges don’t like to lose accepted students but do feel obliged to withdraw acceptances when a downturn is severe. Yours is definitely not severe although also not negligible.

I think you’ve done everything right so far in terms of what you told the college BUT it might be appropriate to be more specific about your illness. You are best off if the college folks don’t think you have something serious and chronic that could torpedo your college career. Thus you might want to reassure them that you’re okay now. But, on the other hand, you don’t want to lean too heavily on a medical excuse if you had, say, strep throat for five days or a mild case of COVID or any other ailment that doesn’t true qualify as justification for a noticeable drop in GPA.

So you may or may not want to explain more about this to your college. However, I can’t advise you without knowing more myself. If you want me to weigh in, you can either send me a private message here which I should probably get (though I don’t work for College Confidential anymore and don’t always see my messages) or you can email me at sallyr@collegekarma.com

I do think you’ll be okay, but I could counsel you more effectively with additional details. Good luck!

The situation you describe in the second sentence of the second paragraph sounds like discrimination. Are you suggesting that admissions offices discriminate against applicants with chronic medical conditions?

I was not aware that you no longer work for College Confidential, but now see that your forum has been largely archived. You were always so helpful!

You gave us thoughtful advice last year in answering a question during my youngest’s crazy ‘20-21 admission cycle. It’s so nice that you still pop in here to answer questions.

@Pugmom21 Officially a college cannot discriminate against a student with chronic medical conditions. But I wouldn’t bet the mortgage money that admission officials–when reviewing a final transcript with plummeting senior grades submitted for a student with a medical condition that might make freshman year difficult–might not say, “These grades have dropped too much; we need to rescind the acceptance.”

Call me cynical, but I could see that happening, although no one will say aloud, “This is a sick kid that we better not take.”

Thanks, alldonealldone. I may be alldone myself soon. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ha! I had changed my user name to fit my mood at the end of D21’s admission cycle. I took a year off from CC, yet here I am again. What’s wrong with me? :crazy_face:

(Actually, I got sucked back in to CC because D17 applied to grad school this year. I also also like to check for questions about D21’s niche program at NYU, which is confusing at first glance).

Thank you so much for such a detailed reply! I’ve just sent you an email (sallyr@collegekarma.com) with additional details.

Please let me know if you would need any other specific detail than the ones I’ve mentioned in my email.

Again, thanks a lot!

@Anupamrubu -I got your email and replied so be on the lookout.


@alldonealldone --I think it’s lovely that you’re helping current families who are considering your daughter’s NYU program. One of the biggest pluses of College Confidential is that students and parents can learn from the experiences of those who have gone before them and are willing to share what they learned while navigating the admissions maze. When my own son applied to college (2014), I already had 30+ years under my belt as an admissions professional and I’d written three books about it, but I still got really valuable information from CC parents! So I’m sure your efforts are appreciated, even if you never know it.

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Thank you, @Sally_Rubenstone!

You could rephrase the question: Under what conditions would a business refuse a $250,000 check? :slight_smile:

I was recently admitted to UCI as a CS transfer student, and under my provisional conditions, my conditional courses were four physics courses and two CS courses with a B or higher for the spring term. I got all A’s in my physics courses, but for my CS courses, there was no room left in the courses. Therefore, I could not finish the cs courses by the end of spring. Luckily, I found a CC that offered those CS courses in the first half of their summer term, which ends on June 22, eight days before the deadline to submit transcripts. I contacted the admissions office to see if they would allow me to take the course over the summer, but they told me that I must submit official documentation so that they can determine if they need to rescind my offer of admission. Will they rescind my offer of admisison?

I worked really hard to get into UCI, and I don’t want to lose my spot.

If we told you “no” and then they did, would you call them and tell them “You can’t do that to me! A bunch of strangers on the intertubes said you wouldn’t!”

Wouldn’t you get a better answer by giving UCI the documentation they asked for and see what they say?

Hey guys, I’m super stressed and would appreciate any thoughts on my situation. I was accepted as a transfer student to UCLA. I am a philosophy major with a GPA of 3.88. I have completed all of my philosophy major pre-req’s with A’s. My issue is with my statistics course this semester. I’ve never been strong at math and combined with the fact that it is online, I have been struggling. I just took my final exam and because of it, it is incredibly likely that I will end up with a D in the course. I have A’s in my other three courses this semester. I’ve never gotten anything but A’s in philosophy courses and english courses which apply to my major while math does not. Do you guys think they would rescind me for a D in statistics even though it does not apply to my major at all? I am worried about this because a math course is one of the required gen-ed’s to transfer. Let me know what you guys think, i’m super stressed :confused:

How would we be able to relieve your stress? We don’t know what UCLA will do. You should ask them. As I said upthread, "You can’t do that to me! A bunch of strangers on the intertubes said you wouldn’t!”