When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

Hello. Unfortunately, the topic of this thread “When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?” has kind of been left hanging since the Dean @Sally_Rubenstone who started the thread left CC.

You could try sending her a message but I am not sure if she is checking in or not.

She did post this a little while back:
“If you want me to weigh in, you can either send me a private message here which I should probably get (though I don’t work for College Confidential anymore and don’t always see my messages) or you can email me at sallyr@collegekarma.com

But, at the end of the day I don’t think anyone here can definitively answer so you should probably reach out directly to your school. Good luck.

It would not be surprising if a college that overyielded became more strict about rescinding admissions for those who do not meet the grade or GPA requirements than in years when the same college underyielded.