When do current students register for fall classes?

<p>* And with 30K students, such an email shouldn’t only be sent to Honors students as part of the Honors College email, but to all students. *</p>

<p>all students aren’t in the same major, so a one-size-fits-all email won’t work. </p>

<p>My son did get an email about advising from Chemical Engineering.</p>

<p>*You absolutely must bring your current flow chart with you when you go to be advised. If you do not have your flow chart, the professor will not be able to advise you properly. </p>

<p>We make the flow charts in order that you can see what you still need to take. This is a must for when you come to advising! </p>

<p>BRING YOUR FLOW CHART!!! Summer & Fall Advising 3/7 through 3/11 in SEC Innovatorium!!!*</p>

<p>Have your son look at his emails during the last week or so. There may be one there.</p>

<p>I don’t know about engineering, but the business school has sent me at least 5 emails (two in the last two days) reminding me about advising. I met with my advisor on January 31st, before the fall schedule was even online.</p>

<p>Friend and I both checked sons’ emails back through January, and no emails to our sons. Both boys mechanical engineering majors. Glad you guys keep us posted!</p>

<p>Sounds like the MechE people didn’t get their email out. Maybe they need to be reminded.</p>

<p>No email for my mechanical engineering son either. I don’t think he was aware of registration until I alerted him. Thanks for starting this thread, Mike!</p>

<p>I don’t know what y’all sons are talking about, but Dr. Todd most definitely sent out an email to the ME List on February 25th that let everyone know about advising. Here is the content of the email:</p>

<p>"Advising begins on Monday, February 28th. </p>

<p>If you have not completed Calculus I, you need to make arrangements for advising through the Freshman Engineering Program. They are now located in Russell Hall.</p>

<p>If you have completed Calculus I, you will be advised in the ME Department. You can pick up information on advising in the ME Department Office, 290 Hardaway Hall beginning on Monday at 8am. The faculty will be putting appointment sheets outside their offices today, and you can begin signing up for appointments.</p>

<p>If you are transitioning from the Freshman Engineering Program to the Department for advising, see Betsy to have an advisor assigned, and DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE.</p>

<p>If you are my advisee, I will be travelling a lot from now until the end of the semester. If we could get it knocked out this afternoon, that would be great. I have a meeting until 2.</p>

<p>Dr. Todd"</p>

<p>So the ME department did indeed send out an email, and they are on top of things. Perhaps you should check your spam filters or make sure that you are on the ME-list, which is the list serv for the ME department. </p>

<p>And besides, there is a GIANT sign outside of the office in Hardaway at the top of the stairs, and all the professors have sign up sheets outside there door that say something akin to “ADVISING!!” And even if they missed all of that, college kids should be able to figure out its advising time, given the hubbub that everyone makes over what classes they are taking next semester.</p>

<p>My DS did not get an email on advising. We did think about it though( this is my second son in college…been here done this) . When he contacted an advisor, he couldn’t get an appointment until after his registration time opened. The advisor gave him the option of going to a group advising session, which is what he did.</p>

<p>*And besides, there is a GIANT sign outside of the office in Hardaway at the top of the stairs, and all the professors have sign up sheets outside there door that say something akin to “ADVISING!!” *</p>

<p>LOL… If these were snakes, they would have bit them.</p>

<p>as for the MechE emails…these students need to find out if they somehow aren’t on the email lists.</p>

<p>Being on the ME list is important since so many emails go out through it. If you miss individual advising, there is the group advising option as well. IMO, for engineers, advising shouldn’t be that big of a deal; the flow chart pretty much determines what you take. My session lasted approximately 3 minutes. </p>

<p>Advisor: Do you know what courses you are taking next semester?
Me: Yup. ECE 320, Heat Transfer, Engineering Analysis, Static Machine Components, CBH 301, and a UH 120 CBE or Art History Online.
Advisor: Sounds good, where’s your paper?
<em>Signs paper</em>
<em>turns in paper to ME office</em></p>

<p>All done. But then again, my advisor knows me pretty well so she knows I tend to be on top of things like this.</p>

<p>Very true that Engineering advising is pretty easy because of course sequencing and flow charts. </p>

Who should those who didn’t get the emails contact to make sure that they are added to the List Serve?</p>

<p>I know DS got a couple of e-mails a few weeks before mid-terms from the department and adivisor. So you’ll definitely want him to confirm his e-mail notification system with the powers that be. </p>

<p>As an EE major his main concern was attending the earliest group advising session possible to get his registration “open”/no “holds” so he could get the basic schedule done. He figured any questions about particular classes could be addressed later individually. I know they’re waiting to see what the department decides about changes in a CS course, plenty of time for adjustments.</p>

<p>I know they’re waiting to see what the department decides about changes in a CS course</p>

<p>What change is being considered?</p>

<p>Hum, looks like there’s a few mech eng freshmen that didn’t get an email. </p>

<p>Our boys don’t have any classes in Hardaway this semester, and as they’re still in their freshmen intro courses, they don’t hang out at Hardaway like most of the upperclass mech eng majors do.</p>

<p>Son’s aero eng floormates also just heard about advising through word of mouth.</p>

<p>Perhaps this is because of the transition from the freshman engineering program to the individual engineering majors?</p>

<p>In any case, would love to find out how the boys can get added to the eng email list so they’ll be sure not to miss deadlines.</p>

<p>As mentioned, it’s pretty cut and dry, what courses you take in the engineering curriculum, just scary to miss your registration time because of not being advised, as many of these courses are prereqs for upper level courses which really need to be taken in sequence to stay on track.</p>

<p>Where can we find out about group advising sessions? Son is set to register early Wed am, and he has class all day Monday and Tuesday. </p>

<p>Also, does he have to be signed off by an assigned advisor, or can any mech eng, or even eng, professor sign off for him?</p>

<p>Again, thank goodness for CC to keep us alerted when we slip through the cracks!</p>

<p>Son went on Fri. morning to get signed off by his advisor, who directed him to Dr. Todd. Since she was away on travel, Dr. Taylor sat down with him to discuss his classes for the fall. Son is off sequence because he started half a semester ahead, so Dr. Taylor suggested a few options. There were a few classes he wanted to mull over the break and luckily Dr. Taylor told him to come back on Mon. morning, after Spring break, to get his classes signed off.</p>

<p>So embarrassed. After all my complaining, son just informed me that he and a couple of his buds grabbed Dr. Todd after class on Thursday and got signed off. Didn’t have to pick days and times, just what classes he would take, which is really just what the curriculum outline says. Glad I lit the fire under him the night before, but embarrassed that I’ve been fussing about this when he did, in fact, take care of it himself.</p>

<p>Got to give the kid credit. Sometimes he surprises me. Wish I wouldn’t be such a worrywart. But I don’t think that will change until the dirt’s covering me.</p>

<p>Hope all are having a good Spring Break with their youngsters, and those off on their own, have fun and BE SAFE!</p>

<p>Signed, Worrywart Mom a/k/a Montegut</p>

<p>^ it’s ok - we’ve all been there at some point in this journey :slight_smile:
I like DS being home, I can overanalyze his life in person this week.</p>

<p>Glad to learn everything worked out with your son, Montegut! I’m with you on the worrying but these kids continue to surprise us; luckily they are more resourceful than we give them credit for :)</p>