When do we pay for food at Harvard?

<p>For people who plan to use Harvard Annenberg cafeteria,</p>

<p>when do we pay for food?</p>

<p>Your Bill should look like this:</p>

<p>07-05-2006 06F Tuition - College $
07-07-2006 06F Blue Cross/Shield Health Insur $
07-07-2006 06F Student Health Fee-College $
07-05-2006 06F Student Services Fee - College $
07-07-2006 06F Room Rent - College $<br>
07-07-2006 06F Board - College $</p>

<p>The "Board" element is food</p>

<p>Oh, so I paid.</p>

<p>What if I don't want to eat at Harvard cafeteria? Do I get refund? (just out of curiosity)</p>

<p>No. You do not.</p>

<p>Ultimatemath, you do get $50/semester in "BoardPlus." It's a deposit on your Harvard ID that can be spent at various cafes run by HUDS around campus (ex. the Greenhouse in the science center). Adds a little bit of variety.</p>

<p>Also, you can eat at the upperclass dining halls (although some restrictions apply). I wouldn't suggest it initially-Annenberg is a great way to meet people-but eventually it's nice to have a change of scenery.</p>


<p>Is Harvard food contract mandatory for freshmen?</p>

<p>Don't get me wrong. I am fine with Annenberg. But I don't know when I agreed to pay for food.</p>

<p>You don't agree. You have to pay for board.</p>

<p>What is the meal plan like? Is there a meal plan?</p>

<p>What I thought was that there are several meal "contracts" or "plans" and students have the option of choosing one.</p>

<p>I guess the one I paid for is unlimied admission to cafeteria?</p>

<p>I hope it's unlimited access...I'll need that to survive. :(</p>

<p>everyone at harvard has an unlimited meal plan</p>