<p>it means they post it on saturday so they wont get angry phone calls unitl monday</p>
<p>no. northwestern decisions were released during "spring break" the past 2 years</p>
<p>I'm really freaking out here. My family will all be out of the house today and if I get accepted while they're gone, I'm going to go nuts. Especially because I injured my leg and can't jump for joy if I get in or stamp my foot if I'm rejected.</p>
<p>i soooooo dont like this waiting thing</p>
<p>Decision Live Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
<p>Just Kidding, I cant help, guys, let's just relax</p>
<p>dude. my heart skipped about 2 beats when i first read that.</p>
<p>im going to send you a machete so you can kill yourself.</p>
<p>i second that call.</p>
<p>this wait is killer.. </p>
<p>you know what would be ridiculous?</p>
<p>if they didn't post today and all of us were just sitting waiting for it all day long. haha.</p>
<p>Is it really between 1 and 3 pm or is that speculation?</p>
<p>i wish northwestern would just give us a.. secure date.. like.. duke is supposed to be out the 30th. rawr..</p>
<p>i personally think 3 pm because thats when it was relead last year</p>
<p>But if you had a secure date, the fun would be over.</p>
<p>hey my post count was pi before this post (314)</p>
<p>3.14159265358979323846264338 thats pi (ehhh at least some of it) not 314 lol</p>
<p>please dont tell me you just typed that out by heart</p>
<p>milesguidon....you think this wait is fun?? hahaha....NO! it's terribly horriffic. haha. my life has been widdled away to waiting by my computer and breaking laws to drive as quick as i can back home after school. haha.</p>
<p>oh man i got that beat
<p>typed out by heart, by the way.</p>
<p>haha, roadrunner i did type that out by heart :-p</p>
<p>Last night, I actually had a dream that I was rejected by Northwestern. Am I psychic? Who knows.</p>
<p>i had a dream a couple days ago i was accepted to cornell. It happens when you think about one thing too much. Like i could consciously think about unicorns all day...and then have dreams about them.</p>